Old Cat; Unwanted New Tricks

When it comes to cats, life can be a mystery. I have had mine now for about 14 and a 1/2 years now... some better than others, clearly. But they are my fuzzy babies and I love them. And no matter how annoying some behaviour is, they are still a hell of a lot less work and annoyance than children!

Ariel is the black and white cat to the right, Chelsea is the tortoiseshell tabby to the left. This was taken in our old house across town.

Lately, possibly inspired by the Phantom's constant issues with his own cat, the Russian Insane One, she has been coming into the bedroom to meow - incessantly - for... whatever. I don't know what she wants. They never go without food and last night I after I fed them their once a day serving of wet food they got more dry. The water was there and the litter boxes are still clean. So what is the problem? Who knows.

It's never Chelsea, either. It is always, without exception, Ariel. And it is daily. They never get fed in the morning. No matter what, I need to sleep until my alarm goes off and I am not allowed! Why is that?? Not that the cat could tell me but am I sure I would want to know?

I don't think she actually has any complaint. A lot of the time I suspect that she is frustrated - she normally sleeps with us but as age creeps on she is less able to jump onto the high waterbed that we have. It is quite high. It has six draws on each side, two rows of three - so it is a bit over a metre high. Maybe what I need to do is place a ladder-sort of set up of items at the foot of the bed that she can make two half-sized jumps to get on the bed. Surprisingly Chelsea has no trouble getting on the bed! She just hops right up and runs over to see me!

Just anything to make the crazy meowing at 04h00 STOP!


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