A Magickal Experience

This is a company that I worked in from March to July of this year. I haven't been there for almost six months and it is not likely that I will be back. That is not a bad comment on me, it just strikes me as a one-time experience. And what an experience! So, it is time to talk about it.

I first heard of this company while I was still working for Universal Solutions. I knew that USI was eventually going to terminate its HR staff - it wasn't at all hard to see THAT writing on the wall - and I had the agency out searching for something new for me. I really wanted to put in my notice first. As it happens, everything worked out very much for the best.

When I first heard about this company, it sounded ideal. I wanted in. They manufacture fragrances and flavours, and this was for the Liquid Compounding department, which made only flavours and specialised in liquid flavours, like for soups, beverages, whatever. Tell me that doesn't sound completely fascinating.

They were slow to move for the position, so it was not really heading anywhere. USI beat me to the punch and on 10 March 2005, I was told that I was doing a great job but USI was heading in a new direction and my position was being eliminated. OK. I was upset - who wouldn't be? But I took it in stride and off I went. And five days later I had an interview with this manufacturer! I was downsized on a Thursday with a nice little severance and on Tuesday I had the interview and aced it - Lee wanted me to start the next day!

That was the best interview I ever had. The moment Lee and I shook hands, I thought, this is someone I want to work with! And after a five minute conversation, I was right - and he definitely thought the same thing! We were right on the same wave length. I can't explain it in anyway that would make any sense except to me. I did not have the hots for him, I wasn't interested in Lee in any illicit or sexual nature... he was just the nicest (a truly nondescript word, I should find something else...) - the most genuine, completely likable, every day kind of man. Super intelligent, excellent people skills - he should have been in HR. I always told him that he missed his calling in HR. And working for him for the short time that I did was... magickal. Just amazing. I raved about him to my crew, my friends, my family. And my parents met him and just loved him! I think about him a lot. I miss him and I miss all the great experiences I would have had working with him.

It was not all Lee, either. Like I said, he was an amazing person. And he was smart enough to surround himself with amazing people. His team consisted of Chris, Bob and Chip, all of whom had been working with Lee for YEARS. No one really worked for him, we worked with him. With him and with each other. And he was the best person to work with. Sure, I reported to him, but I looked at him like a colleague more than a boss. The word "boss" wasn't right. And it was a delight. We did not talk about a lot of personal things, but we saw eye-to-eye on almost everything professionally and really worked in great harmony.
Lee was one to reward employees as quickly as to take corrective action when needed. He gave me a basket of lovely bath items, as a thank you for a lot of work I did on the reviews. I was treated to a dinner out with my husband because of a report I edited heavily based on a file of notes. He was lavish with his department and fair with everyone. He knew where the problems were and my advice and council was prized because I saw the same issues and was determined to fix them.

His supervisor on the third shift, David, was also great. He is on another shift now and seems to be doing really well - but Lee knew he would. And Lee always wanted to give the best shots to the best employees. Everyone worked hard for this department and it was a good, cohesive team. It wasn't perfect, who is, but I have worked with teams that were much, much more dysfunctional than that.

Lee went out on leave just six weeks after I started and he died on 10 July 2005. He was 49 years old. It is criminal. I think about him a lot. I think about the team a lot. I miss it there and I miss Lee. Last night I had a dream about just walking around and telling him about the job I am on now. And I wanted to cry when I realised that he is gone.

I don't have the hubris to assume I know that people go to Heaven, Hell, Nirvana, Valhalla, or whatever afterlife place you want to believe in. I don't know if we are reincarnated or if this is it and we are just dead, nothing more. I would like to think that those who died have spirits and have gone onto what they did believe in - Heaven for most, I suppose. I would like to think that they look in on me to see how I am doing. I miss my grandfather, Pop-pop (James Trebilcox); my friend Steve Sudol; my other friend Talon; and Lee. There are not many people that I miss the way that I miss these four people. They all had a huge impact on my life. And I have dreams about them and they are up-to-date conversations and I'd like to think that this is their way of telling me that they are still looking out for me from time to time. I miss them lots. And I love it that I dreamed this about Lee. It makes me feel good. Happy. Like I have my own cheering squad!


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