Anniversary Number Five

Today, at this very time and date, exactly five years ago, I was sruck, on foot, by an SUV, clearly not caring anything about what he was doing other than jumping off of Route 287 at a break-neck speed and getting to the next... what? Bar? Girlfriend? Concert? Whatever it is that irresponsibly driving 17-year-olds with no valid drivers license, no registration on the 1988 Nisan Pathfinder and no auto insurance do on a Saturday night. Do I sound a little bitter? I suppose I do. I would certainly have an earful for the jerk that did this. As it was, the jerk would only get an earful.

I not only lived to tell about the story (which is in a very long posting circa last June), I lived in a better way than anyone would imagine after being hit by a very large, very high-elocity vehicle! I got away from it with a slipped disc, some back issues and knee problems, and only a portion of the back and knees come as a direct result of this. The slipped disc, which used to pinch the nerve going down my left arm, no longer does that after three years of intensive chiropractic work (thank you, Dr. Molinari in Parsippany!) and the yoga I do now certainly improves everything.

I'll always have the scarring on my right knee from the intense road rash I picked up and I have more care driving than most as a direct result. But I am whole, have all my limbs and brain and movement, and this moron that struck me is still paying the tons of fines he incurred from all the moving offenses he garnered from this as well as the criminal offense. And I have a better life; so who came out ahead in this?

Well, that is how life is sometimes. Happy Anniversary!


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