Blind Spots

I love Grey's Anatomy. They seem to hit on all the strong points in life. This week it was blind spots.

Meredith came into work and told everyone that dark and twisty Meredith is gone, and now it is bright and shiny Meredith. So shiny your teeth will hurt.

I'm fairly bright and shiny, but I don't find it an effort to be so. But I do understand blind spots. I have them, too. I like my blind spots. Sometimes having those blind spots allows me to be more bright and shiny instead of dark and twisty. I prefer to be open and honest about what I'm feeling and experiencing and going through. Sometimes, however, one has to not go through something until it is the right time and those blind spots are an object put there by my brain to make it a non-issue until it is time to deal with it.

What things?

Oh, gods, I don't know. Stuff at work that bothers me, although I can't honestly say that procrastination falls in the same category as being blind to something. Things I see as an EMT. Dead people, fatalities, the survivors. Then again, I normally will talk about anything I go through as an EMT and that airs it out, makes it easier to bear. Maybe my flaws. I can tell you with absolute certainty what they are. I just can't seem to fix them. Well, I try, but oftentimes it seems like a lost cause. My family? No, not really. I do things for my parents. I go over there and nurse my father through the agony of knee surgery (been there, done that, wore out the tee shirt...), talk to their doctors for them, make sure that they are okay, play the strong bitch when my mother is in the hospital and not getting what she needs. Make the hard decisions. Rehab after hospital stay? Ventilator or no ventilator? Heroic measures or not? I can do all of that.

I don't know now. It sounded very sensible on Grey's Anatomy, something that I can identify with.

I suspect it is other's behaviour which really underscores this. I am pretty onboard with my flaws, my issues, my worries in life. I see other people do the blind spot thing. I see it all the time. As a Human Resources Manager, as an EMT, as a person, as a daughter, as a friend. There are so many people who want to go through life being so positive and not acknowledging those scary things in life, that they put up walls to the reality and just smile and seem so happy and don't deal with those issues and problems. The things that bother them. I can always identify with the human condition as a whole. We all have or have had that behaviour in our lives.

Oh, crud, I have a call.


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