Hammered? Maybe Tuesday...

Bad weather forecast heading our way...

After the winterless winter we have been having, the weather gods are eyeing this area with ferocious intent. Not surprising. On the first Saturday of this new year (I guess not so new now) we had a 71°F (19°C) day, complete with golfer lined up at the first tee. I suppose you can't blame them - having seen what a yen for golf can possess a person to do, this is a prime opportunity, not to be missed. This afternoon when I left work, there was a lone person out on the play deck... no, what is that called? The big hill where everyone whacks practice balls? Oh, yes, the Driving Range. Well, there he was - a guy in a parka out there striking little white balls. It was all of 32°F (0°C), and there is someone so badly struck with the golf disease that he'd be out there in frigid weather to do this. That is nuts.

Having played nine holes of golf some years ago (Luis practically dragged me out to the course kicking and screaming. Not being a person with liking of extreme temperatures, the 95°F (34°C) heat was no more appealing than freezing...), and having played miniature golf many times (don't laugh. It's still golf... just not, you know, real golf!), I would not ever be outside in extremes or odd temperatures at either end of the spectrum. And I did not care for it much... I like miniature golf. That is about my speed. Sad, I know. I work at what, the best golf course in this area, and I don't have much liking for it. Ironic.

Well, come Monday, there won't be a soul to be found out there. Crazy as they are, I doubt the day before a snowstorm with predicted 40% chance of snow is not anyone's cup of tea. Hot tea, anyway. And Tuesday... well. We are looking at 12 - 24" (approximately 30 - 60cm) of snow. Sounds neat and if it happens (I suppose I should say "how much and when" it happens) it will look gorgeous and be stunning. Oh, I need to get gas and some kind of additive for the mondo snow blower... clearly I may be calling on friends for help... You don't really envision me blowing all that bloody snow, do you? Not a chance... I should call Tom. He would never let a little thing like 36" (100cm) of snow stop him...

Speaking of which, everyone is really excited about Oswego, New York - they got some 77" (a whole boatload of centimeters! About... um... let's see. 77, double is 154, with another chunk added on... around, um, 225cm? Something outrageous like that). OK, honestly, is anyone really that shocked? Yes, it is a boatload of snow. It's all lake-effect snow, something that is a known entity up there and not so shocking as all that. In the modern world, no one ends up trapped for weeks in their homes - not often, anyway. It is 2007, not 1807. It is a huge, honking amount of snow, but it happens.

So that is the weather news here for now. I will undoubtedly post more on this topic (I love weather and am totally besotted with it). I have plans to bundle up and take my toy - my beloved telescope - outside after putting on, oh, say, 50 layers of clothing on, and viewing Saturn, who is at opposition tonight. I'm well aware it is all of 25°F (-4°C) out there. Too bad. The rings are still tilted and delightfully visible tonight and soon they will be edgewise and nothing much to see. I need to take advantage of the mostly moonless, clear night to see this before the ill weather covers the sky yet again!

Oh, and did I mention Luis will be flying back from Florida on Wednesday...? Maybe...?


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