Sex, Drugs & Rock 'n' Roll

OK. The "Sex" is fine. Change the "Rock 'n' Roll" to "Music" and then drop the drugs. Why ruin the sex and music?

Having dealt with drugs (of which alcohol is one), I must say that it certainly does not appear to be all that and a bag of chips. I have had two drunks and a third still running loose to deal with. I don't want to see any more. No more boozers, please. Not at home, not at work, not on the rig, not anywhere. Where do people get the idea that this is a good road to go down? How do people profess to not be alcoholics, they just love wine? There is being a wine connesiuer (sp?) and then there is loving your wine. I get (sort of) the wine connesuiers. I do not get people drinking it to get hammered! Besides, if you are going to down spirits in an effort to make your life more sunny (how stupid are YOU?) just drink any old crap and go for the disgustingly strong stuff... you'll get there faster and not waste so much money doing it...

I know, ever the pragmatist.

Well. I don't get it. I have seen it all - alcohol, cocaine, marijuana (clearly mixed with other illegal or at least illicit things - Maui Wowie is not enough to really warrant calling us), crack, heroin, prescription and not your prescription drugs, lithium, percocet, morphine (which is what herion dilutes into in the blood stream), lorazipam, the list is endless. The really hardcore alkies (and I dealt with one last week that is heading down this road) will turn to drinking Isopropyl Rubbing alcohol or methyl alcohol when they cannot get their hands on the ethyl alcohol that is meant for human consumption. I don't get it. I just don't.

Think about this: ethyl alcohol, also called ethanol, is a solvent. Yes, there is a format made for consumption (the real idea is that you consume it in very controlled quantities), but the same stuff also produces varnishes, lacquers, etc. Sounds healthy, right? When I find them down methynol and isopropyl alcohol, I really want to slap them... and say, "You do realise that this is not gonna do what you're thinking it's gonna do!" Morons. People are morons. And they don't learn from history. They don't learn from others. They aren't figuring it out from me, for damn sure, but what would make think that this would work?

Let's ignore for the moment that I think alcohol - all alcohol - tastes like medicine (I don't at all care for the taste of medication). Let's ignore that hang overs don't sound like fun. Let's ignore that I will do anything under the sun to avoid vomiting. So what does this leave? I used to listen to the problems of an alcoholic a lot. He threw up in my bathroom a couple of times and I didn't believe him a bit when he said he does that when he's nervous. That is bullshit. That's definitely an "I-tied-one-too-many-on-last-night" sign! And a bad one. And the eyes. Oh, boy. Even when I was told there was no more alcohol, the eyes always gave it away. Well. A frequent flier in the making. This is someone who has a long, ugly journey to make and may end up dead in ditch before reaching a better destination.

I've got lots of them, though. My 81-year-old drunken woman, the 40-something heavy-duty vodka drinking woman, the guy who likes to call us to take him to rehab (three times now I've taken him... clearly not working...), the list just is endless. It is staggering.

So I will take the sex, definitely - good sex only, please. I'll always have the music - rock 'n' roll is some of it, sure, but I want the rest of it, too. But I need nothing from the drugs! I can definitely make my own fun.


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