A Trip to Lucy's

Lucy is my hair dresser/hair removal technician (how'd ya like that? Technician instead of hairdresser).

I went there at 1100; she got to me at 1120. I sat in the usual chair; she began putting colour in - I asked for darker colour, but she put in a red colour (I like a darker look like burgundy, not red-red). Then she did the streaking and they are not as blonde as last time but they came out rather light. She did darken them. Good thing. It took a little getting used to the last time. I did not want to go through shock again.

Lucy is not merely a hairdresser. She is a virtuoso and clearly loves what she does. She also is a unique person in that she lives a rich fantasy life. But ignoring that, she is fun, upbeat and definitely knows hair - not just cutting it, colouring it but how it functions, grows and the removal of the unwanted hair.

So yesterday was the colouring of my head hair (which I should have had my eyebrows coloured as well... the red in my hair does not match my normally-dark brows (at least I'm not blonde with black brows - that looks perfectly awful). But anyway, she dyed my hair and while the strips of hair were being bleached to streak (add highlightes) to the front, we went into the small waxing room. The legs are funny - certain parts are more sensitive than others. The mid-thigh area and front of the lower legs are sensitive - but the backs of the legs are okay. However, the bikini line - YOW! Stars. It lasts a split second, otherwise no one'd do it more than once. But that split second is really an eye opener! Or maybe an eye-squeezer.

The armpits have gotten easier and easier this was only my third time getting them waxed. I imgine that that area will continue to get easier.

The eyebrows are a funny thing. They can be easy, but the reaction is instinctive and I can't really control it. Lucy reacts as one would to a child that has to get a shot - which is nice - but it really isn't that bad. It's just a natural reaction to flinch immediately following the ghastly feeling of the hair and wax ripping off. She feels bad, as though she is inflicting terrible pain. But it really isn't that so much as - I think - the proximity to my eyes which is very disturbing to anyone. Like trying to pet a strange cat's belly.

This eyebrow waxing wasn't as good as last time - shape-wise. They are more trim but not as well shaped as last time. But my armpits and legs feel great. Smooooooooth! Delightful. I will tell you right now that seven weeks is way too long to wait.

I'm going back on 31 May. I imagine that I will be fairly hairless in Houston. That works for me. I'm hoping we will go swimming. It will likely be hot enough.

Anyway, we shall see. At any rate, I think better time management is in order... four hours at Lucy's was too long.


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