The Better Memes

Thursday, 15 October
3x Thursday: 10/16/y2k+8: Puter Stuphs
1. What kind of puter do you have? PC or Mac? Do you have a preference of type? Why/why not?

I have a Gateway laptop. It is almost three years old but works well, has a nice big screen and a ton of space. I don't need to know what kind it is specifically... I don't own a Mac and Luis wouldn't even want one in the house. Having worked on both (it's been a very long time, but I did do graphic design on a Mac), there was a time when Mac was considered the premier computer; but I never did find a big difference between them. But Macs were not user friendly - they would get errors that were not English and crash all the time. And when they crashed, they really crashed.

2. For what purposes (surfing, gaming, writing, etc) do you use your computer?

I never use my computer for gaming, ever. I always feel that games are not the same if you are not holding cards or handling pieces or doing something a little more obvious than just hitting keys over and over. A simplistic view, but still. My husband makes up for the lack of playing on my part. Surfing, somtimes; writing, most of the time, whether e-mail or blogging; work, often (sometimes from home, too). But I never play games.

3. Would you consider yourself to be 'computer savy'? Why/why not?

It's savvy, not savy. I am more savvy than the average user, yes. I am by no means a programmer or a technical guru but living with a programmer I know more than Joe User. And I understand more about networks and the basic principles of most programs than Joe User. It helps. But I know when to go for help with this. That makes me a savvy user.

October 17, 2008
Four For Friday
Q1 - Ouch, That Hurts!: Who do you think hurt the United States of America more... Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda on 9/11 or the people responsible for the current state of the economy?

I think both, just on different levels. What bin Laden did was... obvious; big; flashy. It was horrifying and immediate, no waiting for the evil thing, no sneaking up on us. There was nothing you could miss about what happened on 11 September 2001. I saw most of that day's terrible events as they happened. Luis called me only moments after the first plane flew in; the second one I saw hit and knew what I was watching. (I'd been home since I'd been in an accident on 1 September.)

What happened with the economy was not over night or within minutes and there was no explosion. And while it is easy to point a finger and blame one person or one thing, it is never that simple. Everyone is saying Clinton gave Congress a command to make the American dream of owning a home a reality. Let's honest; presidents can veto things but really have little power otherwise. It is Congress running the show. And suddenly 535 people with overblown incomes and too much vacation time had a bad brain moment and thought, "Yeah! What a great idea!"? How do you buy that?

No one with a moment of financial savvy would have bought into this idea. And yet, here we are.

Owning a house is very much a part of the American dream; it is probably everyone's dream in all countries. But look at the phrase - American dream, not the American-we-are-gonna-give-houses-to-those-who-can't-afford-them. How did it somehow become okay to not work for your dream?

Q2 - Advice: If you were asked to deliver the commencement speech at your high school: A) Would you do it? B) What would you talk about?

No, but then, I'm not sold on the idea that I am the most successful person in my class of over 300. That seems... unlikely. By their standards - by my standards, I am extremely successful, for one reason - I'm happy! I love what I do, I love my house, my life in general. I have to say in that way, I am the most successful! How many of my classmates, mostly hitting the big 4-0, are saddled with kids they didn't want, a spouse that isn't putting out and a midlife crisis of huge proportion that is compounded by not enjoying their jobs or maybe not having one? Hmmmm.

Q3 - Event: "Hello! Is this [insert your first and last name here]? My name is Peter Gadwa and I'm calling from Ticketmaster. By a strange twist of events (pun intended), your name has been chosen to receive four tickets to any event in the world -- past, present or future. What event would you like to attend and who will be joining you?"

No, thanks, I'm not interested. And since no one can correctly pronounce my first name, I'm on to the sales call/cold call thing. And that is too strange a twist of events for me to buy it. And past... who's got the time machine?

Q4 - Commute: If a high-speed or local rail line was available to take you to and from within seven blocks of your home to work or shopping, would you use it at least four times per week or are you too attached to your automobile?

Well, I am fairly attached to my automobile, but if it was more cost-effective to do the high-speed train to work, I would put on my Sea Bands, get reading material, and take the train! I'm more attached to getting to work with the least amount of wear and tear.

Saturday Six
I hope you’re having a great weekend so far, and that your Saturday is brighter, drier and less gloomy than the one here in Charleston. If you’re ready for a little diversion, then get ready to enter a state of interrogation…about the states we call home.

1. Other than the state you currently live in, which state have you visited most often?

Pennsylvania or New York, I am not sure. Probably New York.

2. If you had to move from your current state, which three states would you most likely consider for a new place to live?

Oh, goodness. I don't know. I like all of the states I have been in, including Texas and California. I haven't been to many states, though, so I don't know if I'm qualified to answer that. I suppose I could live in a lot of places. I will admit that of all the states, I liked Florida the least. The southern parts (I've been to West Palm Beach) were stunning; but Orlando was disgusting and a hole. And the poverty in middle Florida was the worst I've seen. So I guess that is the least likely place I'd live.

3. Think of your home state: off the top of your head, do you think you could accurately name your state’s slogan, the state bird, and at least half of the counties (or parishes) that make up your state?

Yes, I can. I live in the Garden State, state bird is the goldfinch, state animal is the horse; counties... there are 26... let's see...


That is all I can think of at the moment.

How would you describe your weight?
Somewhat slender
Very slender
A little overweight
Very overweight

Do you like to be around people?
Not really
Yes, definitely
How would you describe your personal politics?
Very conservative
Somewhat conservative
Somewhat liberal
Very liberal
Do you like snow?
You like it sometimes
You love it
You hate it
How often do you go to Starbucks?
A few times a week
Every day
A few times a month
A few times a year

How important is religion in your life?
Very important
Extremely important
Somewhat important
Not important

You Should Live in Alaska
If you don't want to live in Alaska, you might also consider:


I don't love snow that much! And I could not deal with the daylight/darkness imbalance.

5. Which state do you have the hardest time seeing yourself visiting some day?

Well... I don't think there is one... maybe Alabama? It sounds so boring. But I find it hard to believe that any state doesn't offer something!

6. What’s the biggest tourist attraction or draw you’d mention to someone considering a visit to your state?

Oh, well... I don't know what the biggest tourist attraction is here; but I feel there are tons of things to see in New Jersey! I take visitors to see Tripod Rock, the 3,000 year old petroglyphic rocks and the 300 stone steps in Parsippany, the history of Morristown's Square, Sussex county's parks, the Atlantic Ocean. There are many, many things to see here, that have nothing to do with New York City. I love New York City, I do. But I am incensed that every where I go there are many more postcards of NYC than all of New Jersey.

Thursday, 23 October
3x Thursday: 10/23/y2k+8: Motivate!
1. What motivates you? Why?

Isn't that a little broad? A lot of things motivate me. That is very hard to answer without a more specific questions.

2. What happens when you can't be motivated to do something you need to do? How do you get the motivation back?

Again, this is hard to answer without more specifics.

3. Are there any changes in the state of your world that need some motivation to do? What they are is optional, but how will you motivate yourself to do it?

I don't know. I'm a lot more proactive in changing more world, so how do I answer that? I think again I'm lost without more detail.


Anonymous said…
I'm glag that you are updating your blog, at least I know by this you are still breathing. Greg

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