Parrrrr-Tay Tonight!


It's that time - time for the Installation Dinner for Parsippany's Roackaway Neck First Aid Squad! It's the one night of the year that all of us are off and get to have a great time at a restaurant with dancing, music and (for most) alcohol. We all work hard when we are on, but boy can we party with the best of them!

I'm so dressed up, no one'll recognise me!

The dinner is a little later in the year than usual - this is generally a winter event, February or March. But any time of the year is fine for a good time, really, and it is rare that these dinners disappoint. There will be representatives of other squads there and all kinds of awards given and swapped - oh, hey! I may be getting one - five years of service - so I won't be left out. And the officers on the Executive Board will be sworn in to office (despite the fact that we have held them since December 2008) by... it should be the Mayor of Parsippany but I'm sure I'd heard he couldn't make it. So I don't know who'll do it this year. But that's kind of neat!

As much as I may be a non-conformist, I do enjoy the quasi-military nuances and ceremonies that we partake in and I do very much enjoy the comraderie - even if I'm not generally popular. This hardly keeps me up nights, I would mention. It is a statement of fact. I'm grating for some. But on event nights we all get on well and that sort of "I'm not crazy about you" thing doesn't matter. Well, that and enough alcohol makes even the most annoying person tolerable, ha, ha!

It'll be a great night out for us all. The only thing that makes it a bit disappointing is Luis is on an airplane somewhere and so won't be with me. Means my dancing will be limited to just those group efforts, like the Macarena and Cotton-Eyed Joe or whatever that is called. I suspect I won't get too many takers for dancing in general and I completely forgot to set up a date for myself for the dancing part.


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