Saturday 9 Meme: Uninvited

1. Do you mind people to show up uninvited? Yes, I do mind, terribly. I have a schedule and I have a 44-year-old child that turns the house upside down as fast as three kids between 2 and 6 years old. And people wonder why I don't want children. I have one!

2. Last person you talked to on the phone? Dave DeGil in Montana. He called me to ask for Cinnabuns when I stop in Utah's Salt Lake City's airport to catch the last leg of my flight. Eleven days and counting!

3. Last person on your missed call list? No idea. It must be someone at work... as in a call received at work. My job is such that I am not a phone chatterer.

4. Who calls you the most? Mmmmm... no one - not at home, anyway. I am not one for phone conversations. Oh, my! Sunlight! I must go outside!

5. What is your favorite song about breaking up? Okay, I'm back. Sunlight is fast and fleeting these days. I don't have a favourite song about breaking up. Who thinks that way?

6. If someone sent you an unexpected gift, what would you like it to be? A tune-up and repair for any problems in my car so it lasts another 8 years.

7. Your classic rock station plays the top songs of all time. What is number one? I think A Stairway to Heaven is still the number one song. I'm good with that.

8. Do you live for today or tomorrow? I live right in the moment. I look forward to things and think fondly on memories but I'm all too aware of how fast these moments pass and how many people live in the wrong time frame.

9. What movie villain scared you as a kid? I dunno... Freddy Kruger?


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