Monday Morals - Episode 1

Here’s the launch of the newest meme here at Patrick’s Place. Each week, I’ll give you a little moral dilemma. You tell me how you’d handle it.

Pretty simple, right?

But remember: it’s more than a simple “yes” or “no” answer. Tell me why, too.

And as always, the first person to either answer here in a comment or to do a post at their own blog then leave a link to that specific entry here in a comment will be recognized the following week as “First to Play.” Since this one is the inaugural edition, there’s no “First to Play” from last week, but I’m sure you’d already have figured that out.

So let’s get on with it! I’ll kick this off with a situation that actually happened to me. The reason I was at the specific location I describe was different, but what happened there was real. What would you do?

Here is this week’s “Monday’s Morals” question. Either answer the questions in a comment here, or put the answers in an entry on your blog…but either way, leave a link to your site so that everyone else can visit! If you repost the questions on your site, you must link back to this site as the source.

You are visiting a relative in a nursing home, when you are approached by an old man you’ve never seen before, who approaches you and immediately embraces you. With tears welling up in his eyes, he refers to you as an old friend he was certain had died during “the war.” You realize that this person is an Alzheimer’s patient, and a nurse comes along and begins to help him back to his room. In the meantime, how do you respond to him: would you tell him who you really are, or would you play along with his delusion? Why or why not?

I would play along. If this is something that gives this person joy and happiness, why not? People with Alzheimer's are losing their lives, their identities, to this terrible disease. A moment of happiness is the least one can give. And I don't see the dilemma here. There is no harm done by a guesture of kindness.


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