Selling "Diabetic Regulator Crystals"

I was on e-bay and found this:

In order to ease & support your life journey, we have exclusively designed
Over 200 Unique Tumbled Crystal Sets

and a complete line of
Crystal Intention Jewelry

Diabetes Regulator
Tumbled Crystal Set with Extras

° Amazonite ° Chrysocolla ° Moss Agate ° Serpentine °

Oh... my... god.

This is criminal. Taking some crappily polished stones and turning them into the cure for diabetes is - or should be - illegal. I suspect in other countries this would be illegal... I realise that this nation is founded on so many freedoms, but this is bad.

Kind of like hate groups. I don't think the KKK should be allowed to exist, much less publish (although it is shocking that any of them could even read). And I hate that our society is so into mking money that crap like this can be posted and sold. And there are a lot of ignorant people out there who would buy into this because this is so much easier than diet and exercise and monitoring your sugar and carbohydrate intake. We are a society founded on instant gratification.

This makes me sick...


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