Into the House, a Feathered Ray of Sunshine!

I was getting ready to leave the house for work when I found a big, beautiful bird hopping around Luis' office! He was lovely. I could not tell you what kind of bird, and maybe he was really a female, but whatever the make and model, he was really neat!

I had left him hopping there, looking at the furniture and Luis, to get my camera. As I stepped into the hallway, the door was closed and Luis asked if he was out there. I looked around and suddenly said, "Yes!" as he'd come out of my office and was there looking at me.

Before I could say anything else, he hopped to the side of my left foot and sat there, looking quite content.

I really did try to get his photo, but my camera picked that moment to read "battery low" and steadfastly refused - several times - to take the image. It shut down everytime. But I stood there for a few minutes, grinning like an idiot, until Luis very gently picked the lovely creature up and let him out.


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