Emptying The Mind of STUFF

If you like mindless rambling and aimless writing, this is the post for you.

I received my Stash Tea catalogue. Every time I look through it I want to buy everything in it. For reasons passing understanding, I never do. It has all kinds of lovely tea pots, loose tea, bagged tea, mugs... all things I enjoy, but I never buy anything. Doesn't sound like me. At some point I'll break down and buy something... maybe...

I received my 3 May 2010 issue of People Magazine, and I dog eared all the items I want to post about. This is not a two or three item list... so be prepared.

In mailbag, there was this letter under the heading same-sex marriage:

"This controversy over who is entitled to get married is becoming ridiculous. Face history and face facts. Homosexuality has been around for centuries and will be around for centuries to come. There are so many other needs to be addressed in this country. Why not let gays commit to each legally and get on with their lives." Leslie Paradise via e-mail. I wanted to cheer when I read this! So RIGHT! Why does anyone have an issue with something that simply does not concern them? Yay, Leslie - you are wonderful!

Under Star Tracks, there is a photo of some kid who is famous entitled LOCAL HERO. The photo shows this kid with two Canadians Mounties and the caption reads "St. John's Newfoundland, 18 April Justin Bieber draws his own guns posing with canadian Mounties at the Juno Awards." I was thinking who cares about this kid? Put the Mounties' names in here and let me talk to them - I'd love to hear about them and their jobs and lives!

In People's Scoop section, they wrote about Mel Gibson's breakup with his girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva. They have a 5-month-old daughter. I'm not sure if anyone's surprised. Mr. Good Christian bailed on his wife and their seven kids for this woman... and now he's bailing on this woman and his eighth child. Somehow I don't find this shocking. I find the behaviour irresponsible, but since when is that new - famous or not? Interesting side note: The family law attorney is predicting sizable child support payments - between $12,000 and $20,000 a MONTH - is this kid autistic? On a ventilator? Why the hell does anyone need that amount of money to raise one kid?! And what kind of sleazy lawyer discusses this? This makes me sick. People raise kids very successfully on much, much less. The lesson here: get knocked up by someone with a boatload of money, split up and start looking for the money to roll in...

Under People Poll, there are images of five actors who People readers voted on to play Kurt Cobain in an upcoming film about him:

Ryan Gosling - 54%
James McAvoy - 23%
Emile Hirsch - 17%
Sam Worthington - 6%

The original casting: Robert Pattinson. He looks like a deadringer for Kurt but apparently Courtney Love, the worst kind of slime, tromped all over the idea of casting this guy. I have no idea why. Sam Worthington is good looking, but looks nothing like Kurt, so I can see why he got a 6%. But what is wrong with Pattinson?

I have to admit that the only guy here I have heard of it Sam Worthington, and that is from Clash of the Titans - turns out he was the lead guy in Avatar, which I was the only person who apparently did not think that movie was all that and a bag of chips. Call me fussy, but a plotline that is worthwhile is a requirement!

Also there is a small piece on Elin Nordegren maybe leaving Tiger Woods. For gods' sake, just leave him or don't. Don't be such a doormat. Talk about child support payments. Personally? Staying together with that sort of bitterness floating about is a really bad idea.

A small bit on Heidi Montag, the freak of the century: "Hills of the Dolls - The final season of MTV's cheap, petty bungle of a reality series starts April 27, as Heidi Montag unviels her retooled face to her family. She's not an endearing personality, but the shallow brittleness under all that surgical enhancement makes you worry she'll collapse into a heap synthestic parts."

Thank you! Why on earth (or any other planet) would you think this nut would have an "endearing personality"? She probably doesn't have a personality. Anyone this shallow wouldn't come with one. She was a pretty woman and then she turned into a surgical hit and run. Pretty ugly!

Under Music, there is a picture of (shiver) Courtney Love. The band featured is Hole. Only this woman would be in a bvand called Hole. The image makes her look not only normal, it almost makes her look - dare I say it? - pretty. Instead of bright red lipstick loosely based on where her mouth should be, she has on subtle, natural colours, which is much better for someone with her colouring. The hair is still hydorgen peroxide-based, but with the right make-up, she doesn't appear washed out and half-dead. Considering this woman's drug history... well... she cleans up much better than I'd've ever guessed.

Under People's Books section, the headliner is a book called Stuff by Randy O. Frost and Gail Steketee. It is about those strangest of people who cannot throw anything out. Broken, worthless, junk, not junk - it all stays. Having been in patients' homes where I've actually had to wend my way through 12" wide paths through junk piles. This book has picked my interest. This and Carol Burnett's autobiography.

I'm fading fast this TIME. I have to log out right away....


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