Saturday Six #374

This week’s set of questions is all about what you wear, or in some cases, what you’re not wearing. How’s that for an opening line?

I hope you enjoy this week’s set of questions. One other important note: if you didn’t join in last week, you might have missed the fact that commenting is a little different this month. Check out this post for details about Livefyre.

Be sure to check back this week and click on the links of bloggers who play along in the comments below! It’s a great way to find blogs you may not have visited and to keep the conversation going!

Here are this week’s “Saturday Six” questions. Either answer the questions in a comment here, or put the answers in an entry on your blog… But don’t forget to leave a link to your blog so that everyone else can visit! Permission is not granted to copy the questions to message boards for the purpose of having members answer and play along there. Enjoy!

1. What are you most often wearing when you’re at home in front of the computer? Either my EMT pants (I think they call them cargo pants - with the many pockets) - or "slouch-around-the-house" pants; lounge pants.

2. What color do you tend to avoid the most in your wardrobe? I don't have any colours in my wardrobe that I avoid.

3. What style of clothing (i.e., formal, business, casual, workout, etc.) do you wish you could avoid wearing forever? Dresses, dressy clothing.I'm at home in casual clothing - jeans, cargo pants, lounge pants, sweaters are my favourite. Summer makes me uncomfortable with smaller less-covering shirts.

4. What color do you think you look best in? Burgundy, hunter green, dark blue, black.

5. If you could get a free visit from a stylist who would tell you what your best colors would be and point out what clothes you should wear, would you take her advice? I already did - years ago, my mother got into colours by seasons. So by sitting down with someone and gauging their skin tone, hair colour, eye colour, etc., she could tell anyone what "season" they are and the colours that fit. I'm a winter - I have sallow skin, dark brown hair and brown eyes. So within that season, I wear the colours you see above. Those aren't the only colours I can wear, but they are the ones I like the most. So I have that - and that is why there are no colours in my wardrobe that I avoid.

6. If you had to pay $100 for that advice, how much less likely would you be to seek the advice? I would not. I got it for free!


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