Sunday Seven - Episode #315

Whew! Three in one weekend, that is a lot. Here we are for the final catch up to my joyous Saturday Six and two Sunday Sevens!

Now that we’re into November, with Thanksgiving just weeks away, Christmas shopping season reaches a fever pitch as retailers pull out all the stops to entice you with the next great thing you can’t live without. But what’s on your own wish list for this Christmas? Make your own personal wish list and check it twice…that’s this week’s task! Thanks for dropping by!
  • Be sure to check back this week and click on the links of bloggers who play along in the comments below! It’s a great way to find blogs you may not have visited and to keep the conversation going!
Here is this week’s “Sunday Seven” question. Either answer in a comment here, or put the answers in an entry on your blog (with a link here), and then comment here with a link back to your blog so that everyone else can visit! Permission is not granted to copy the questions to message boards for the purpose of having members answer and play along there. Enjoy!

Name seven things you’d love to get for Christmas this year!

This is dangerous stuff, you know; I am a terribly avaricious person. But the top seven items are coming now.

1. Ilsa by Madeleine L'Engle. This was written in the 1940s by my number one favourite author and has been out of print for many decades. But there are some sellers, one notably in Germany, whose least expensive copy is $322. It is a foregone conclusion that I will not receive it and at best, it is a wishlist kind of item that I will need to get an inheritance or some other windfall money to get it. But that is the one thing above all others I really, really want. Yes, I know... fat chance. No one else will appreciate the value but me.
2. The iPad II. I am not fussy, I'm just classy and expensive with excellent taste. However, admittedly, it is a foregone conclusion that this is unlikely to show up under the Yule tree for the obvious reasons: it is far too expensive and I made the mistake of admitting to Luis that I want it because Steve Jobs was a master and an artist and what would it be except a very expensive binder and iPod? (Which makes me an idiot, but what's new there?)

3. Coldplay in concert. I have no idea when they will be out and about touring the country but I love Mylo Xyloto and very much want to see them in concert, so I would be delighted to hear them live. Hopefully, they have improved in a live setting since my friend Nancy saw them; she said they were not good as live performers. That happens, especially when bands suddenly escalade from small arena/playhouses to huge arenas and have not been able to successfully make the transition. That is hard.
4. Clothes from LL Bean or Eddie Bauer. Normally I am not a fan of receiving clothes, but I need them and the above mentioned clothiers are both nice and long-lasting clothes that are comfortable. I still could care less about being a fashion plate.

5. Art classes. I'm very rusty with art and while the muscle memory is still there, it has been years since I've drawn and even longer since I have painted. I'd like to have some classical and formal training, especially in painting: I remember none of the tricks with that, the way I do with most drawing.
6. Jigsaw puzzles. I'm up into the 2,000 to 9,000 piece puzzle range. But I love them. No Thomas Kinkade for me, however. I like the cartoon-type ones, like the Kitchen one, which is fun madness or Dog Show, also a lot of fun.

7. A gift certificate for No explanation needed!

Either answer the question in a comment or answer it in your journal and include the link in a comment. 

Have an idea for a future question? Click “Contact” in the top nav-bar and email it to me!


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