Fun Photos! 19 Years of Working the Renaissance Festival

Me with Garth (another Faire crafter, Gary) having fun. I guess it would be more fun if one could see his face, but as it was, this picture came out rather well! And yes, I am grabbing what you think I am grabbing! The joys of working at Faire! This picture is about 12 or 13 years old.

This is a photo taken of me at our only jaunt to the Cloisters Faire, which now runs concurrent with the NYRF. We had gone around 12 years ago when it was the Sunday after the NYRF closed.

Another photo of Garth and this time with Puck (Tom) in it. This is about 10 years old, after our booth ended up just off of Spendepenny Lane. This is a fun picture, although I need to find the original and rescan it.

Me with Eric Heppel.. oh, must be nine years ago. I always thought he was a hot property!

My wonderful and longest friend ever from the NYRF and now the CTRF - Raum (Roger) who now lives in Rhode Island with his very sweet wife, Tiger. I knew him my first year there, when I was all of 18, and I really had it bad for him (would you believe he turned me down? I was quite smitten back then!). But I have known him for 19 years now, and he is a great friend, and we keep in touch - the three of us! It's things like this that make life the treat that it is! This was taken in 2001 (the Blogger program doesn't like my 2005 photo from the Connecticut Faire!

Ah, my sweet Talon! How I miss you! This was taken circa 1998.

The old days when Luis and I were together maybe 3 years. This March (2006) we will be celebrating 16 years together.

This is my favourite eye candy now. I guess this particular photo makes us look like we are in love or something but no, that is just me grinning fatuously at someone I would really like to jump in the worst way! He is very attractive to me. He is also considerably younger than me, but hey... I can live with that!

Here I am sitting in our skychair in our booth, just this past summer. I always like to have a real rose tucked into my enhanced breasts (bodices do have their plusses!) for men to stop and smell the flowers!

And finally (also from this year, 2005), a photo of me and Firebow (Bruce), a regular thing - everyyear he comes up and we chat and have our picture taken together. I should send this to him so he can see it.


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