In my A.Word.A.Day e-mail, it began with this:

"The wheel of time keeps moving. The old year goes away and the new year claims its place. There's a reason we call it the "wheel" of time. The word "annual" comes from the Latin annus meaning a circuit of the sun, hence a year.

Flowers don't bloom any differently just because a new year has begun. Clouds move at the same pace whether it's a new day or a new century. Yet for humans these convenient markers along the trail of life are quite convenient. We brood about what happened yesterday. We plan things for the next week. And with a new year, we feel our knapsack of time is replenished. Again. What we missed doing last year we might be able to accomplish this time.

And so the wheel turns.

Ultimately, it's all relative. A story goes that a man prays to God. God appears and the man says, "Lord! Our billions of years are your one second. Our billions of dollars are merely a penny for you. Could you grant me a penny?" God smiles, says "Certainly! Back in a second," and disappears.

May all your wishes be granted in the new year!"

A kind soul at work hugged me and said, "May your best day of this year be your worst day of next year." I really liked that. It seems so caring - and my best day of last year is hidden to me in amongst many great days that all rate highly - I think it is a good sign that while the year of 2005 had its pitfalls and downward spirals it also had its magickal moments and great accomplishments and wondrous experiences.

And lots of great sex.

Oops, did I say that? Luis would be quite aghast at that. Not really shocked but a little put off that I would print that - it is rather blatant. But hey, I was thinking it so I daresay it needed to be said. What good's a blog if I can't pop right out and say really outrageous things?

Anyhoo... 2005 was an interesting year. The midpoint of what will be an interesting decade. Life should always be rich and interesting and full of strange adventures and amazing experiences. Why do you think I love the EMT thing so much? As much as it may sound like the same thing over and over, it is not. Even with the same patient for the same issue it is still different and exciting and exhilarating - and even though they annoy me sometimes, it is still a little fascinating bump in the road of life that I got to drive over and see up close and personal.

On Thursday night we had a double header - two accidents on Route 46 West - both were rear-enders - and our accident was a single-patient MVC but the back-up rig, which took the MVC involving three people just 700 - 1,000 feet west of us, had three flat patients to our one, so we stopped there along the way and grabbed a second patient. It created no end of confusion filling out our call sheets as well. We did that but before we could finish, we were blown out for a patient who passed out in the restroom of the Chili's Restaurant on Route 46 West. This individual told me that they'd had 2 - 3 Zinfandel's (you must realise that I cannot tell this and divulge the gender of the patient). May response was, "Is that by the bottle?" Not very PC, but really - I never drink and would not be nearly that plastered. You cannot get me to buy that this person was less tolerant than I am as almost no one is the tee-totaller that I am! At any rate we took our very inebriated and embarrassed patient to the hospital. That all happened between 17h45 and 20h00... So it was rather unpleasant to be dragged from my warm bed at 23h01 for another detox patient. A frequent flier that wanted to go to detox. Hmmm. This is the third or fourth time I have taken this individual to rehab... I think somehow this person is missing the long-term goal... Yes, that is sarcasm.

I took two calls yesterday - two drunken Mexicans who managed to totally wreck their van on Route 80 West at 09h30 - ye gods, isn't that some extended drinking! Or maybe they are just getting an early start on their New Year's Day drinking... hard to tell. The second was an elderly Irish person taking a walk in the frigid air in his pajamas (either early-onset Alzheimer's or dimensia... still, not bad for being in the mid-90s - usually early onset anything hits well before the brain makes it to it's 90s... Hope if I get some illness of that nature that it waits until I am VERY advanced in age so it will be likely that my body will give out before my mind turns into utter mush. Anyway, the patient was fine. Other than a little confusion about where he or she is, (he or she wanted to go visit a friend living just up the road on West 85th) the patient was fine. No hypothermia or diminished vitals. I couldn't get any pulse ox reading but the elderly often have poor circulation and after being out in the cold, it was less strong. So there was no getting a reading but everything else was good.

So I have already started my New Year off with a bang. I have all my Christmas decorations down as well. I am militant about that. The day after New Year's Day, working or not, it all comes down! None of this Epiphany crap for me! Luis used to tell me that he wanted to keep the Christmas tree up until 8 January for some Roman Catholic holiday. I looked it up and saw that this holiday, Epiphany, is quite low on the list of weird Roman Catholic observances. And what the hell - I have no idea who had an epiphany but I get 'em all the time and it hasn't made me the font of all wisdom, nor has it conferred upon me my very own holiday. And for someone with no Roman Catholic tendencies or use for the dogmatic side of religion, what is this sudden urge to practice this? He doesn't celebrate Epiphany (in all honesty I don't how one would) but the bloody tree is not - NOT - staying up until next Sunday! Bloody well told. I am not dealing with the needles and clean up after the Roman Catholics tell me I can.

So the lights are off, the tree outside on the corner, and the house is... well... almost back to normal. I still need to return the living room to rights. I will do that now, actually!

Kudos to the Parsippany township and police for getting us to highband! It is wonderful! I went to Wayne today to visit my parents and heard all of the dispatch and Car 67 and it is just amazing! YAY!

Happy New Year!


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