Definition of "pluton" in Danger - IMPORTANT!

Definition of "pluton" in danger
From: Allen Glazner
Members of the volcanology community should be aware that the International Astronomical Union (IAU), meeting now in Prague, is proposing a new term for Pluto-like planetary objects --"pluton". This seems like a remarkably bad idea, given how important and well-established the word is in Earth science and that planetology and geology are closely related sciences. Unless we want students coming into our classes thinking that plutons are transneptunian objects , we need to convince the astronomers to come up with a different word.I am writing to encourage you to contact members of the IAU and ask them to change this. Officers of the IAU are listed at

Final vote on the contentious issue of whether Pluto should be called a planet is scheduled for this Thursday, August 24, so time is short. Please take a moment to let your feelings be known--we need to educate planetologists about their home planet.

Thanks,Allen Glazner

Prof. Allen F. Glazner
Dept. of Geological Sciences, CB# 3315
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3315
fax 919-966-4519


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