Recharging the Batteries! the 2006 Renaissance Faire!

Oh, it was nice to be there - wonderful to see everyone and wonderful to be out in the fresh, beatiful air and great to be away from home and some where out-of-doors! I looked really nice and everyone told me how much thinner I look! Unfortunately everyone noticed I was looked rather tired but I got a lot of warm hugs and people cared about what I'd been going through. It was a great day!

I miss Lady Gaea's pottery, but all is not lost. There is another pottery maker there and although her goods aren't as unusual and amazing as the original, she has some very well-made, user friendly goods and I will shop there. More than once...!

I also stopped in at the henna tent and had an Om drawn on my right breast. Most people won't see it. As low as my shirts may be at work, nothing is as low as my bodice and it will not be noticeable under the regular clothing. Still, the artisan did a good job, although it is a little bigger than I'd wanted. Some of it is still on the spot where he painted it - impressive. I have to put olive oil tomorrow morning when I take my shower to ensure that it stays visible longer on my skin. I plan to stop in there, though, to have it touched up. I'm hoping that at some point the skin around it will tan, leaving a long-lasting imprint. I love henna. Painless, temporary and lovely.

I came home and Luis grilled some chicken, basted in Hawaiian teriyake sauce. It was delicious and so is he!

All in all, a perfect day!


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