Friday the 6th...

...which is always, inevitably followed by Friday the 13th.
I am not stupidstitious. That's what I call it. I am the first one to pet the black cat walking in front of me, walk under the ladder in the bookstore, not throw salt over my shoulders, not worry about killing spiders, not worry about anything like that. I even utter the "Q word" on Thursdays - EMTs are convinced that if you say "quiet" in reference to how that night will be, you are doomed to an all-nighter of endless emergency calls.
That isn't me. It will never be me. Other EMS stupidstitions include wearing new boots/shoes, thus guaranteeing a very gory call that will end up all over your new apparel. This includes any new form of apparel. If you say something about having not been on an MVC or baby birth, you will absolutely end up on one that night - and not at the hour you'd like, say at 20h00 - no, these things wait until 03h00 to get you (that actually is true but only because tired makes for massive stupidity and percentage-wise, most people die in the night hours and most are born in the morning hours. The wee morning hours. No one likes those hours...).

So, today was just another day of insanity with filling on all the missing times for the many employees from the Grounds department, which ate up a good portion of the day. So did sitting with Yolanda going through the handbook but that is really time enjoyed - she and I make the other laugh. This week coming should be enjoyable too.
So Happy Friday the 6th!


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