My First Real Vacation Day

Ok, Saturday was really my first vacation day. I stopped working on Friday night and even though it was my rotation night on Saturday, that is not work, it's... fun. It's a break from regular life. I made no life or death decisions and Bob and I had fun on both of our calls. It was all good. But today the weekend is over and the workweek is in progress and so I am home alone. The weather - and I have discoursed a'plenty on how affected by the weather I am - is terrible. It was overcast this morning but around 11h00 it ceased to just be overcast and began raining in earnest. And my friend that I thought would call about going out to breakfast did not call.

So I was in bed until noon watching "Grey's Anatomy" (the second season) and then I got up, went to the sun room (which is dark and dreary and watched more of "Grey's Anatomy". It's an excellent show. I love the actors, the medical stuff and they make you think... Like the Christmas episode with the different reactions that people have to the holidays and such. I am not too into Christmas - not on a religious level at all, of course, but also not into going crazy with it. I like putting up a tree and lights in each window and I like the gift-giving and all, but the let's go everywhere and see everyone thing gets old... fast. It gets old to be out every weekend visiting people. I like my alone time. Today it just happened to be depressing to be home, alone, with everyone else working and the weather too crappy to go out. I really wanted to be out. I wanted to move around, go hiking, do stuff. But doing stuff alone isn't really fun. And hiking in the rain is not an option.

So instead of being a vacation day, it was a lot more like a sick day. Sad, isn't it? I'm sad. I'm pathetic and today was proof of that. I sat around, did nothing (it's not as though there aren't a gazillion household things to be done!), and ate myself into a new size. Not healthy - not mentally healthy, not physically healthy. Good thing I have yoga to look forward to. I love yoga. And then I have my completely exhausting, healthy workout that makes me feel super-fat right after that. Nothing like 168lbs of flesh bobbling and jiggling around to Salsa and belly dancing music, right?

At least tomorrow looks much more promising. There is a graveyard in Sussex County that is supposedly haunted, maybe I will go see that. I have seen a ghost (at work, if you can imagine) but it was only the most fleeting glimpse. Not as much as an ethereal experience as one might hope!

OK, I'm too depressing to be blogging, aren't I. I miss work, can you believe it? That's a nice thing... I never missed my other jobs when I took time off. I guess today especially, feeling lonely and bored and definitely feeling the adverse effects of a dull, dreary day, it is intensified.

I'm off. Maybe yoga and belly dancing will make those endorfins go crazy and make me feel better...


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