Six Words

Here's something interesting I was lead to on a fellow blogger's site (thanks, Mary!):

Rhea, at Word Tangle posted a challenge that she had gotten from another blogger, who got it from another blogger... you know how it goes. It's a 'Six-word memoir' based on the idea that Hemingway was once challenged to tell a story this way. His apparently read: 'For Sale: Baby shoes, never used.' So the basic rules are to write your own, post on your blog with or without pictures, link back to the person where you found it, and tag people by commenting them. I don't know if I'll tag anyone specifically.... so if you read this and want to do it, feel free!"

Wow. How would I do that? Mary's right, when she wrote, "Those of us with lots to say can't keep it to 6 words ya know!!"

This requires thinking. Lots of thinking. In the meantime, hopefully YOU will read this and come up with something you can say in six words that sums up you as a memior.

While I am working on this, I am also down to 4 minutes on a bid on a jigsaw puzzle I had when growing up that our cocker spaniel, Katie, had eaten a couple of pieces. It is up for bid on ebay and I want it! It is currently listed at $10.49, with one bidder (and since I began typing this down to less than 2 minutes). I can shark this - I hope! We will find out soon.

I won! And by a miracle, too. I had 52 seconds to go, clicked on Place Bid and the system logged me out! I had to calm down to log in, confirm the bid - and it wasn't enough! At six seconds, I got in a second bid and WON! Just in time. So for now, my memoir:

Six seconds I beat the clock!


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