Eternity vs. Entropy

Who will win?

In all the religious groups I have spoken to (and that is quite a large range), it seems that not only is there the usual figurehead of perfection or eternity - God, Yehovah, Allah - but there seems to be some figure for entropy in both Judaism and Christianity. I have not gotten any hint of one existing in Muslim doctrine, but sure as there is a Hell in Roman Catholicism, I'm sure there is a Devil in there, too. And like God, he seems to be slapped with all sorts of superstitious or vague-but-I-get-what-you're-saying nomenclatures that follow him (her?) everywhere. And apparently in this religion, women really can't get a break at all. God is clearly a man by all accounts and no where does the devil show up in a feminine form (unless borrowed). I know plenty of men who think women are evil - why can't we have a shot at being the devil?

At any rate, this is part of the reason religion is something I tend to keep at arms length. Why not? It seems that if God is all good and we are modeled after God, then how to explain all the "evil" that people do? Ah, wait, I've got it! The Devil! Lucifer, Old Scrotch (?), the list is endless. In fact, let's see if I can't find it all... Apolyon, Beelzebub, Semihazah, Azazel, Belial, Sammael, the Tempter, Evil One, God of This World, Father of Lies, and Prince of Darkness. That's it? No. I heard Old Scrotch somewhere although have not been able to find the root of it or where it came from.

In my endless searching and looking for more evil, fun and devilish nicknames I found this: Absolutely worth a read. It's quite funny, really!

OK, here we go: Angel of the bottomless pit, Angel of deepness, Abaddon, Beelzebub (Beelzebul), Belial, Ebru Labadon, Prince of Devils, Lucifer, Satan, the Fallen Angel, the Foul Fiend, the Cloven Hoof, Old Boy, Old Gooseberry, Old Bendy, Old Ned, Old Nick, Old One, Old Scratch, Old Harry, Horny, Old Horny, Old Cloots, Old Serpent, Prince of Demons, Prince of Pain, Monarch of Hell, Aeshmã Daevã, Asmodeus, Beng, Diablo, Eblis, Ordog, Hiisi, Old Scrotch, Supay, Velnias, and Velns. Alright, what have we got here; one, two three... ten... 38. Wow. One time I put together a list of the euphemistic phrases for penis, vagina and breasts. Those were the only lists longer than this one. (Don't worry I may revisit that and post those as well.) Go here for the etymology of these words:

Those are a lot of nicknames or euphemisms for one character. Funny thing that while God has a formal name in each religion, he has no euphemistic nomenclatures. What is up with that? Is it wrong to do that? Or would not it be more wrong to use God's name? That happens to be a tough call - it is one of those grey areas. Specific things should not be referred to by their real names' other should. Where is the dividing line? What makes one thing okay and not the other? Are people so weak that they really buy the idea that uttering the real name of the Devil brings them to his attention? That using God's real name might get you smoted? Seems silly. While I agree with the importance of names I disagree that names are in some fashion holy or sacred. Most people say, "oh, my god" or some variation thereof. I'm amused by those who say, "oh, my gosh" like that little change suddenly makes "taking the Lord's name in vain" acceptable. My grandmother hated it when I said, "oh, my god" thinking that this was in someway sacrilegious. I tend to feel that any higher power really has enough on its plate to not sweat the small stuff - and this is really small. So I don't think weaseling around it will have any effect either way.

Well, there you are. People still believe this stuff, and it is not hard from a psychological standpoint to figure out why. Isn't so much more palatable to think that there is a personification of entropy that pushes us to do the evil things that we do? Let's face it, the Devil is really just a scapegoat. Or God a fraud, otherwise, and let's be real, that would undermine the Church and its history in a really big debilitating way. Although if you have read about the Crusades - all of them, not just that first one in 1099 - you can see that the Church has long been committing atrocities in the name of God. Some God of love, eh? I guess that would be Allah, too - he is a God of love and yet somehow the populace got the idea that killing infidels is acceptable practice or even doctrine. How does that happen?

I know people in every faith. Oh, yes, just because I am a total cynic and non-believer does not mean I have no place in my life for others who do believe. In fact, I feel it is vital to have friends in all types of life so that my education will be the better for it. Muslims, Jewish, Christian, Hindi, Wiccans and Shinto and all are near and dear to me. I have learned from all of them greatly. I learned a lot from their weddings, too: Greek Orthodox, Methodist, Roman Catholic, Byzantine Catholic, Born-Again Christians, Southern Baptist, Jewish, Muslim, Hindi, Wiccan, non-denominational, no religion whatsoever, and dog & pony shows (Christian and Jewish in the same ceremony). I've even been to an arranged marriage (how many can say that?) The best one was the Hindi one, as an explanation of everything that happened was provided. The worst? Roman Catholic. Yawn. Too much ego. The Byzantine Catholic had the best priest ever - Father Marcel. I could almost convert for him. (Not really, but you see what I mean - this is a really great down-to-earth guy.)

The sad fact is I get invited to far too many weddings!

So. Eternity vs entropy... who will win?


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