The Wonders of Yoga!

Well, let me tell you how wonderful I feel!

I took yoga on Tuesday at the gym where I go (usually) with Tom and I loved it. As usual, it worked out the body and calmed the mind - I am completely bemused by that but I am not looking that gift horse in the mouth! It may not make sense but it works and works is okay by me. So that night I joined the gym, which makes it cheaper and easier to go to yoga - whether or not Tom and/or Alayna go.
That was some yoga class, too. The back muscles of my legs are still stiff! But, oh, the stretching and flexibility that I managed - I have not been able to do some of these things in years! It's amazing.

But today something interesting happened. A coworker came into my office at the tail-end of the day and yelled at me. This is a person I work closely with and I allowed it to happen once or twice but now this individual's run out of passes. No one should be treated in this fashion. I was quite irate when I left. No, that is too mild. I was enormously pissed off, an unusual state for me.

And so I drove home pissed off, fed the cats pissed off and then realised that this would not be workable. For one thing, I'm on call. It's a guaranteed fact that being pissed will really not make me the most effective EMT - I rely on my people skills in dealing with patients and with no patience (no pun intended) I would not be good. So I put in my new yoga DVD, worked out and a half hour I felt GREAT. Happy, relaxed, smiling, ready to face the world again! So this will be interesting...

I need to talk to this person and explain to him/her that this sort of thing is not acceptable - and s/he will be okay with that. But then I need to thank this individual - thanks to being so pissed off, I am back to doing yoga at home! Talk about a conundrum! Still. I'm rather appreciative! I needed to get back to it and just could never seem to do it. Maybe tomorrow I can do my yoga before I go in, see how that works!


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