A Truly Good Person!

Usually I'm a little abrasive and can turn people off a little too easily with my strong opinions. But the posted comment below proves that there are some wonderful people out there who won't be put off by my rantings and often heretical statements even if it is not positive about something in which they may be interested.

Enter Mary, or "Crystal Chick" (the blogger name makes sense if you go to her blogs); Mary seems to take me and my less-than-positive remarks about astrology in stride and even agrees with some of what I feel (too many people making a quick buck here or blindly believing), and posted this back. I loved reading it and will reply when I can!
Happy and healthy and fun 2008 to you, too! Always hold onto that sunny attitude!

CrystalChick has left a new comment on your post "Astrology is Perfect Science Like Astronomy":

Fascinating article. Originally, astronomy and astrology were one science as far as I know. For a time I guess there were only a few who understood how to work with it, and also, there have been times when it was only used for royalty and other V.I.P.

I don't know all the differences between Vedic and Western astrology but the science part that coincides comes from constellations, coordinates of planets, and other bodies in the Universe. The debate may be as to what interpretation one should give personally to an impersonal thing like a planet. But astrologers have been making people scratch their heads for many, many years. Those that are really good at it have a high accuracy in prediction. Obviously, there are those who try to use it to turn a buck and you get all the hotlines, dial the stars, that type of thing which, for the most part, only feeds on the needy and easily mislead.

If you were to have a consultation with a reputable astrologer, this could run in the hundreds of dollars depending on how many charts you wanted done and what type of information you were looking to receive. And it's a give and take too as most astrologers are NOT psychics and do need to talk with the client. It's a matter of determining ones energy patterns via what the planetary positions were at birth... or any given time thereafter... and figuring out how that individual uses that energy. For every positive there is a negative. And there is family influence and heredity as well. It's complicated!! But when someone really skilled at all of that works with their client I feel that person can gain alot of insight into their strengths and weaknesses and opportune times to do this, that, or the other thing.

Now, that said..... am I qualified to do that? NO Even tho I have been reading on the subject for MANY years and know the basics of chart interpretation, etc.... I still consider myself a student. I know those who do it professionally and are pretty successful and I considered going further with it awhile back but ended up deciding to wander down other paths. It's very fascinating and I love it when I have time to get into certain areas of it, but for the most part, I don't use it daily. It's neat to observe people tho. As the ancients did over and over again. They found patterns. The phases of the moon, the planets continually following their orbits, etc. it might have seemed that at different times people would show certain characteristics that repeated often. So it's an empirical science I guess. And it has to do alot with psychology too, how one tends to react to certain situations. A psychiatrist would see certain patterns in a person, astrologers would determine whether one is using the positive or negative aspects... etc.

I think if you are finished reading the book you had gotten a little bit ago, you probably have a decent grasp of the basics.

I can't remember exactly what your other posting was regarding astrology... something about a free download chart or basic description. Those are fun, but for entertainment only. Obviously, they are reports generated by a computer, programmed to give information based on certain placements, but the art form of astrology is blending all the information together to form something more personally relevant to the one getting the reading. There are some ways that all Aries may act alike or some might have a heavy influence of planets in a certain area of a chart, that all may be common with others. But with only 12 signs and many many more types of personalities walking around, it's not easy to just catagorize people into one sign or another. You may be very Taurus-like with regard to work, but very much like a Sag when at home, or whatever....all 12 signs appear somewhere in ones chart. ETC.

I'm still full and tired from all the holiday festivities so forgive my ramblings... I lost the original response to your older post on astro but I really wanted to throw my two cents in at some point.

Wishes of peace to you and yours in the new year!

Chat again soon. Mary :)


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