Missed, Read, Cuffed & Back!

I've had people ask me where I've been and others asking if the rumours are true. Some are. Some, of course, are not. Here is the skinny:

I was politely but firmly requested to take out, modify or otherwise change some of my postings. I won't get into details about who asked. Apparently there are enough readers out there (which, I must admit, is rather nice!) that will have little to no trouble figuring out what august personages to which I refer. I do have high regard for the individuals who spoke with me. Never let it be said that I don't.

However, I thought this through, and over several days - eight days, to be exact. At first I acquiesed to all that was asked of me. I was contrite and said that I would abide by the requests made. I'll still keep to that but a few points came up as I mulled this over.

1. It is unreasonable to ask me to not post negatives. I will agree to keep names (especially surnames) out of it or change them to protect the guilty and the innocent. But this is my journal and for better or for worse, it can't all be roses and song.

(I will admit that it was pointed out to me that while some compliments where a little obscure as such, I did - almost entirely - say complimentary things. So there. I still stand by those positiives, even though this particular experience made me feel negative about this specific topic.)

2. I did not divulge any more information than is blared out over very public airwaves. OK, toning it down in fine. I get that. But the basics of what I wrote aren't anything that isn't known by any overzealous or paranoid person with the money (and it is not that much) to purchase the needed equipment. I will happily point out that I know others unaffiliated with this particular group who reads this, knows a lot about that ugly little five letter acronym that came up as an issue, and stated in no uncertain terms that I have not violated any of the letter of this.
I feel better knowing I'm right. Like I said, I'll be a lot more vague. But I don't have to agree with it!

3. Three people to have this conversation was overkill. I felt attacked. One or two (one serving as a witness) would be suficient.

4. One rumour is that one individual believed that I severely maligned him/her. I'd like to advise that person to reread that post but sadly I did remove them permanently and should have saved them in Word first. However, this person doesn't care for me and percieves every thing I say as an insult. Work on this - you'll be the happier for not caring what I think any more than I do.

Mary, meaning Crystal Chick, I'm back. I missed blogging as much as you missed reading my postings! I love that you sent me that message and I feel loved and appreciated. And dammit, I write really, really well! Words, usage, I can't figure out anyone's age or do the simplest math, but by the gods, I write, I write well and I suspect that for the most part, I actually can be interesting!

To the main speaker at the "please be careful" meeting, you always have my respect, and my affection. I'll get over this. I do respect the other participants, too, although I have to admit to amusement. I suspect my easy-going attitude at the time and total agreement had them a little off their game - one explanation was fine, but then it began to repeat and at that point I was wondering if all were prepared for a fight.
I know that at least one individual would be more respecting of me had I argued (I was told that when I agreed that I should wear the appropriate clothes for the job instead of telling the person to fuck off - yes, I know you were being facetious. Sometimes I do tell you to bite me, but I happened to agree. I also am a very big adherent to chain of command). I don't see the point of arguing. I feel a little uppity now, but now that I have gotten it off my chest I consider this to be a done deal.

To the readers, like it or not, remember this is just like Howard Stern. If you don't like it, don't read it or change the channel. To the missus of someone, I meant what I said: at events you shine like the sun. Always shine like that. To myself, I promise to keep blogging.


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