Sex... at 0400

I suspect it was 0400 but what do I know? I had been asleep!

I love sex, I truly do, and I'm always asking Luis for a snog. But what it is with men and snogging in the wee hours of the morning? Any other time of the day is fine - well, okay, 1300 during the week I'm stuck in my place of employment and can't play, but shit, from the time he gets home until bed time and then at the time I do wake up is all kinds of fine with me!

Justify Full
Dinner (for reasons passing understanding) always is the top priority for Luis. Not fair. I can reheat pizza but an orgasm is a beautiful thing and beats pizza, hummus and any other food that I love dearly. Some day a man has to explain to me how passing up sex for dinner works; I don't get it.

Saturdays and Sundays are perfect because I can push for a fun time at any time of the day - and I actually don't mind going for the big-O at 0300 or any ungodly hour because what time do I care when I get up? I'll sleep in a little extra to make up for the lost... what? 15 - 20 minutes? (I'm 40, not 18... the days of all-nighters are over.)

Oh, hey! Luis' father is going to Colombia for a whole MONTH! OK, it isn't permanent, but I will tell you now that I'm so delighted! First thing on the agenda: swap out the winter clothes. Second thing: screw anywhere we normally can't! YAHOO!


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