The Musical Month of November

For the last two Novembers, I made it a point to post one song a day - the lyrics. I love music, I love listening to songs with really good lyrics, and I need to share them. So this is the month I do that. Figure that since I am more into meaningful, worthwhile postings and want to make this the best of all worlds to both the author and the reader, this will average out to around 45 posts for November. (Wow, how'd it get to be November so soon?!)

Music should be an amazing experience. Yes, it should be fun, enjoyable, something that you always want to have; but it should be well-written and evocative. If it does not bring some kind of emotional response, what is it worth? What fun is music that doesn't make you smile, laugh, cry, think? Any kind of emotional response, really. Music should be meaningful as well as an excellent blending of harmonies.

I was in the car with Luis and he was driving, so he had his iPod on, a teeny thing with no display. Some truly gods-awful song came on and I commented that this was heinous and does not qualify; I promptly hit the arrow to go forward. Luis laughed and said it was Brittney Spears. I rest my case. Let's forget that she is unfit to do anything else; it is a complete mystery how this kind of awfulness becomes popular music.

So for the next 30 days, you get my picks and guess what... nowhere on the list will you find the talentless hordes of music nightmares that is Brittney Spears and her ilk!
I think I will kick off this month of lyrics with a bevy of older and some racy songs!


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