The Plan of God versus My Accomplishments

I'm still stewing over Luis' family, especially the remarks about God having had this all planned out since before the stars were formed. Oh... My... God... (no pun intended). I was thinking about this while driving home. Unfortunately, it seems to always be lurking in the back of my mind.

I worked my ass off to get to where I am now. And even when I got it, it wasn't easy. Not that anything worth having should be, but honestly, when someone tells me that this was all preordained, I feel like they are taking credit from me and handing it to God. What happened to "God helps those who help themselves"? Apparently, Luis' family does not agree with me. Luis doesn't agree with them, thank the gods.

Don't misunderstand me, in general I really found Stewart very sweet and likable. It was that comment that really made me crazy. I don't care if he is the most unbelievable right wing I-love-Bush guy. I don't care that he is pro-life. He is entitled to his opinions on these things, as much as I may not agree. But on the one hand, everything we do is preordained and all scripted in the time before the stars were formed. On the other, the thinking is to take away others' rights to choose the "wrong" decision - as they see it. So which is it? We are all drones doing what God figured out for us or we are all making our own decisions? You know, that silly freewill thing.
So does that mean that God preordained my having an abortion? Or did I just have a bad moment of exercising the free will that I don't have? Normally, that is. Oh, wait... maybe... just maybe... the Devil made me do it! Ah-ha! That is it! I should blame it on the Devil.

Then again, what I did was not a mistake. It was the best thing I have ever done for myself and so I take credit - full credit. All of the credit. That's right. I have no regrets about this. And not for nothing, I know I will have a lot more fun in hell. Those people certainly know how to live.

Let me in to the party!

Back to the issue. Which way do you want to have it? Pick ONE.


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