Cheeps, Cheeps, Everywhere!

I love the Bath& Body Works Sheep! Luis refers to them as "cheep", as though pronouncing it with a Spanish accent. I have lots of 'em already but now I am getting the mondo-sized sheep. Yahoo! I found it on e-bay and struck a deal.

And she's really nice:

"Hi Ash!

Wonderful; $170.00 for the mondo cream sheep and a small 6" x 9" pink body sheep it is! The shipping calculator should show the correct shipping price as $24.70 if it does not just let me know. I first saw the huge sheep in ONE store in my area... it is the only one that every has the unique items.

I loved them and really wanted one of each for myself... black and cream!!... HI, MY NAME IS PAM AND I'M A LAMBIE ADDICT... Well, I waited about three weeks and went back to the store to do some shopping and they were gone!!! I thought I would cry... until one of the managers said they expected some in later that day so I left her my number for her to call me. I live about 45 minutes away from the store. She called so I rushed to get there. In the hour it took to get there they sold all they received except mine... and a lady was asking if she could buy mine when I was standing in line behind her!! I brought my new babies home and stored them in my closet... a Christmas present to myself... right!!

WRONG!! My husband opens our closet and yells from the bedroom "what the H-E-you-know-the-rest!!" LOL He said between the pigs (I collect pigs) and the sheep that enough was enough... you have to sell them or take them back. Sooooo, I'm selling them! He even went so far as to take the pictures for me to sell them and went to the box store and purchased boxes for me to ship them in!! I think he wants to reclaim his space in out closet LOL!!

Ohhh ... I have renamed the auction for you so someone else will not get it. It is now listed as ***** SPECIAL AUCTION FOR hr-emt-wench ONLY *****... still the same auction number 250335851881 . I'm thrilled to know that this baby is going to a good home!

Thanks again,

She has a store on e-bay called "OK I Need That" out of Oklahoma (I've been to Oklahoma, it is a beautiful state (what little I've seen of it, but still). I'm thrilled I did this and went for it. I can't wait to get the cheep!

For now, I am content with my brood of small and medium size cheep!


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