Surviving Kittenhood

I love this kitten but I am forced to wonder if I can survive her childhood.

Eighteen years ago I had kittens. I see easily why people have multiple children! They clearly have forgotten what a hassle it was the first round. If your memory can fade that much in a year and a half, imagine what mine is like after almost two decades!

I have clearly forgotten it all. When Siobhan was on her way, I figured I'd block the ways behind the couch... by putting an 18" roadblock. What was I thinking? Boing, boing, boing - right over the couch and down the back. She jumps onto the counter all the time as a matter of course. She even paces along the top of the shower doors (yikes!). I can't keep her out of the garage. I have to find unique and circuitous ways in and out of the house so that she doesn't escape.

I had until mid-September two geriatric cats who couldn't hop onto the couch and this is a whole new world. But she's cute, so it is all survivable... except...

I am the human pincushion. She has clawed and bitten all of my extremeties just being playful. Scratches, pinholes from those little needle sharp teeth. When I went to Lucy's last night to have my legs waxed, she remarked on my ankles - whoa, what happened? Oh, yes... they look like raw meat. And when I take a hot shower (as is my wont), I yell when I first get in - it hurts like hell!


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