The Past Week's Memes

Thursday, 4 December 2008
3x Thursday: 12/04/y2k+8: Post-Election Reflections
So, now that' you've had a month to digest things...

1. How do you feel about the results of the U.S. presidential elections? Did the guy you wanted win? What is your reasoning behind supporting the guy?

I feel better than I would have had McCain won. As it is, we will see what happens soon enough. I can tell you, however, that the current, soon-to-depart administration is making the transition of the leadership an easy, painless process. My sister-in-law, whom I love dearly, is on the transition team for the incoming President-Elect.

2. Were there any propositions or specific persons you were rooting for/against in this year's election? If so, what were they, and why did you care?

Mmmmm. No, not really. The biggest thing I am interested in outside of our sinking economy is the immigration program problems. And no one, not one single person, had anything to say about it. Not even a peep. It is the hot potato that no one wants to get caught in their hands.

3. In general, what did you think of the 2008 campaigns?

Well, no more or less than any others in years past. There were bashing adverts, cajoling adverts, and a great many hoaxes that came out about both candidates and their running mates. Sometimes this is just the way it goes. Most of the time, this is a big thing. Everyone who voted for McCain made Obama out to be a terrible person; everyone who voted for Obama, the opposite. Predictable.

Friday, 5 December 2008
Four For Friday
Q1 - 180 Degrees: If you could suddenly proclaim that any one work of fiction (be it a movie, novel/book, short story, fable, fairy tale, play, etc.) was actually true, what would you choose?
I would pick the book Faerie Tale by Raymond E. Feist. It was just that good.

Q2 - Airline Safety: According to a recent report, approximately 96% of people involved in airplane accidents survive the accident itself and, aside from a fear of flying, experience no long-term health problems. When flying, do you take certain precautions or care to increase your chance of survival in event of a crash (i.e., choosing a certain seat in a specific part of the airplane or counting the number of seats between yourself and exit) or do you not like to think about such things?

I do think about such things but don't go so far as to select a seat where I feel my survival odds would be increased. It is not likely to really work. Air travel is still the least accident-prone mode of travel. And I can't live my life worrying about every little thing. It is unreasonable and a little crazy to do so.

Q3 - Citizenship: Have you heard about this one? The latest effort to rewrite the election of 2008... an accusation that that President-elect Barack Obama is not a legitimate natural-born American, and therefore cannot be sworn into office. The argument, which is being taken all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, goes something like this: When Barack Obama was born in 1961, Kenya was still a British colony. Obama's father was from Kenya, and therefore a British citizen. That British citizenship automatically passed onto his son (President-elect Obama), and that means that President-elect Obama--who was born in the U.S.--was born with dual citizenship and should not be allowed to hold the Office of the Presidency. What do you think this? Should the President of the United States be allowed to hold dual citizenship? (By the way, for the record, President-elect Obama's dual citizenship expired when he turned 21.)

Oh, of course. There is always someone trying to change things for what they think is the better for them. Obama is the President-Elect, learn to live with it. To answer this, I have no issue with the President of the United States holding dual citizenship and being in office. He is an American; nothing will change that. Also, as stated above, the secondary citizenship expired a long, long time ago. Third, the United States does not recognise dual citizenship. It is a non-issue anyway.

Q4 - Overrated: Who do you think is the most overrated (you choose... actor, politician, professional athlete, or musician)?

Well, well. Brittney Spears. She is a stupid, uncaring woman. She has gotten herself bak into entertainment and is doing better, but I have an extraordinarily low opinion of her. I'm sure I could have selected another, more peritinent choice, but this was the first thing that came to mind.


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