Saturday 9: Name That Child

1. Favorite name for a girl?

Siobhan, I guess. I haven't thought about names in a long time.

2. Favorite name for a boy?

Declan. I like Gaelic names.

3. If you are single, will you keep your last name when you get married?

Yes. I will hyphenate it, though, to give the main men his credit. If I marry Luis, I told him I'd become Aislinge Kellogg de Gomez... he wanted his name first but in the United States, that would make me the Gomez and him the Kellogg, so we settled for this.

4. Your favorite restaurant you don't get to eat much at?

The Garlic Rose in Madison, NJ.

5. When is the last time you left your house?

Wednesday at 1345, when we left for Philadelphia, PA. I returned at exactly the same time today, oddly enough.

6. What do you drive?

A 2001 Acura CL type S - it is silver with a black interior. I love it.

7. Do you actually eat Easter Peeps?

Eeeeeiiiiiiuuuwwww. Gods, no.

8. Can you cook?

Not even a little.

9. How do you eat your steak?

I don't often eat steak, but when I do it is medium.


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