Saturday 9: Spelling A Name

1. How do most people spell your name?

Incorrectly. Usually they spell it "Ashley", which is a useless name. Well. I shouldn't say that, but I don't like it. And it is as common as dirt.

2. Do you watch Grey's Anatomy?

How does that fit into this...?

I did when it was first out but after the bummer that was the third season, I have not watched a single moment of it. No one's life could be such misery and all of theirs were. I am terribly disappointed that the show turned out so poorly when it began so well.

3. Would you wear a boy/girlfriends clothes?

Women often wear men's clothing. It's a little different than if my husband put on panty hose... although for the discomfort alone, I imagine he would not try those on. The short answer is yes, I would wear his clothes. I have in the past.

4. Have you ever been in a car accident?

Yes, a serious one. Still wondering how this fits into spelling names.

5. What shampoo do you use?

Pantene. Stuff is amazing...

6. Where do you work?

For a private club whose name I have agreed not to use. As odd as the name is, however, I assure you I can spell it!

7. Do you feel guilty when you eat Gummi Bears/Goldfish crackers?

No. And I don't eat Gummi Bears. Yuck.

8. What are you doing tomorrow?

Well, tomorrow is Saturday, 5 July. I will be around the house and then on call from 1800 to 0600 Sunday. Wahoo!

9. Is Justin Timberlake becoming the next Michael Jackson?

I don't listen to, read or watch the news. I certainly hope not. Michael Jackson should be the only insane pedophile in the world. I've heard nothing to suggest that this would be the case.


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