Saturday 9: When You Wish Upon a Star

1. Who was your first crush on a movie star?

My first crush on a movie star was on Harrison Ford as Han Solo in the original Star Wars. Rakishly handsome, sexy, angry and anti-establishment - so my kind of guy! A romantic but not obviously! A rebel, an insurgent. Wild rides with him! And he just looked so wonderfully edible!

Embarrassingly, my first telly crush was in Bo Duke, played by the ever-delicious-looking John Schneider. He's still around, does roles on and off on shows, and he is still quite attractive, but he has become something of a holy roller, and that is always a little too extreme for me.

2. Do you have a crush currently on a movie star?

Oh, sure. And the moment I need to think of him *poof* the mind goes blank! We'll use Robert Downey Jr. as a good example. He was a cute but mediocre kid, but wow! Somewhere between being a major junkie and just not handling life, he suddenly has transformed into a new guy - older but definitely much better looking! Much, much!

3. Is there an actor everyone seems to love but you? Who is it?

Too many of them! Jack Black, Mike Meyers, Steve Carrell - Ugh, to the nth degree!

4. Is there an actor that you love that most seem not to?

I don't know... The guy who plays the Cheif of Eureka and can figure out crimes committed in a place full of over-tallented kids.

5. Who are two movie stars you love to see in a romantic film?

I have already - Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan in You've Got Mail. A very fun and engaging movie.

6. What is your favorite romantic comedy?

Hands down, no cometition! Shakespeare in Love with Josef Fiennes and Gwyneth Platrow, and quite an amazing cast to boot.

7. Have you looked forward to seeing a romantic comedy that turned out to be awful?

Yes, indeed! We saw the movie Made of Honor about Dr. McDreamy (playing a different person but the same exact role of the underage lecherious ruoe). This time he followed his best friend to Scotland and managed to screw up the nuptials. The whole movie was utter junk.

8. What movie star would you love to have dinner with?

Alan Alda. Definitely. There would be no wasted moments in that dinner!

9. What role in what movie would you have loved to play?

I would really love to look just like and play Leeloo in The Fifth Element with Bruce Willis in it. What a fun packed movie and the tough girl... she's the Fifth Element

I would still say that I should be George in Dead Like Me.


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