A Great Day!

I really needed to have a great day. So far, my time off this week hadn't been too good - well, downright depressing - and I was thinking that today would be more of the same. Happily, it turned out to be quite a bit better!

It was a rainy morning and the day did not get off to a great start as it was (see the earlier post Upset with the Cat, posted this morning). I did not feel good about that. But I finally got dressed and went first to the Montville Pharmacy and then headed to Wayne to put in my time with my parents. I usually find myself dreading this. I love seeing Ray but it is hard to visit with my mother who's sole vocabulary is "yeah" and "no" although (kind of like a parrot or anyone's two-year-old), she mimics words last said by Ray or me. But she is not really saying anything.

But on my way to Wayne from Montville I called Ray and said I was coming over and would he like to make foccasia bread with me? He said that would be fun and I should pick up some unbleached flour. So I went to Shoprite and picked up flour, bacom and bread for him. It was pouring out and perfectly disgusting, which is a downer, too.

I headed to the house and said hi to Ma and then Ray and I spent the day chatting and making bread and also stuffing for the ham roast he had. That looked interesting. I was sort of interested in trying it, but we did not get that far. We had pizza for dinner.

I don't know why, but just hanging out and talking to Ray really helped and cheered me up a lot. It was just a really good day!


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