Maybe I Didn't Post It... The Rivers Family

I had thought that there was a lot I posted about but I post far more in my head (and always at the most opportune moments, like in the shower or in the car, you know, driving) than on here. Also, at this time of the year, I don't get to post much.

This weekend I'm catching up.

I made the comment that Melissa Rivers isn't attractive. I'm standing by that. I also feel that honesty is not something to apologise for. And looks are not everything. I'm not attractive, in my eyes, either. Doesn't keep me up nights, however, as I am attractive to Luis and some small group of others and that works for me.

I think what is more amusing is the irony that both Luis and I had the reaction of "Yikes" when looking at Melissa Rivers while she has openly admitted to recieving Botox shots. Even more ironic is that this is a woman who is 6 days older than me and looks quite a bit older and I have had no Botox, no other plastic surgery (I really need to look up why that is called "plastic" surgery...), and I look 35 while she looks 47. Crows feet, lines... personally I don't care for the mouth and the frozen features. But she is still wearing more than her age.

Maybe if she meets an untimely end I will suddenly age like Dorian Grey... wouldn't that suck! Somehow I doubt it, though. I didn't make a deal with the devil or entropy, I just got genetically lucky. On the other hand, I would happy look like Melissa Rivers if I could trade in the DM 2 for a normal body and life!

Joan Rivers I get and I find her funny and admirable. Her daughter is just annoying. But she is, I imagine, accustomed to the ridicule... she was in the PEOPLE Magazine a couple of weeks ago stating openly that she has had Botox shots. I can say that admire their honesty. Most women have it done to not admit they are aging...


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