A Letter to Chadwicks Clothing Catalogue

Dear Chadwicks,

I am writing to you in regards to your catalogue of late April 2009.

Just a few small pointers. When selling clothes to "women", the nice way that the clothing industry sizes "plus-sized" women, you might want to show a plus-sized woman in your ultra slim tummy-control pants (pages 24 and 25). Show us - in this case, your target audience, how it slims and controls the tummy. The size 0 or 2 woman wearing those pants is not a selling point. Take it from a plus-sized woman, this is not convincing.

I will admit that I plan to purchase some. However, if I did not work for a private club I'd never crawl out of my EMT pants or jeans. It is your good fortune that I work for a place that demands I look at least semi-presentable fashion. This is a wonderful job, so I grudgingly agree to it.

These pants come in my size and look more than semi-presentable. But even so, this is a good suggestion. Fat women don't respond to skinny women selling tummy-control pants for the obvious reasons.

We aren't skinny. Heck, we aren't even slender or svelte or anything like that.

I do understand that today's society is built on being OK with yourself. But marketing demands that you sell tummy-controlling pants that actually controls one's tummy. Short of being strapped into a leather waistband, I feel completely positive that your pants will not allow me to appear a couple of sizes smaller. If you have pants like that where I won't have a huge roll above the pant's waistline or a huge problem inhaling in shallow, panting breaths, I really want those.

And this brings us to the preponderance of "gathered"clothing. Shirts/blouses, skirts, dresses, all with gathered necklines, under the breasts, the bottoms, etc. Another thumbs down. I will assuredly not be purchasing those.

On page 26, there are pants with bottoms so big they can be used to smuggle children in/out of places. When did that become fashionable? Yikes!

On the plus side (not size), your clothes are good quality, pleasant and reasonably priced. So you still get my business. But I won't be able to get much - it just is not calling out to me this time.
Kind regards,

Aislinge Kellogg
Plus-Sized Customer


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