A Lot of Thursday Memes

April 02, 2009
3x Thursday: 04/02/y2k+9:
Stress & Anxiety
1. Everyone has *some* stress, but do you ever get overly anxious about things? Is it enough to be a problem? If it is, have you done something about it? Oddly enough, I seem to work best doing things at the last moment. Isn't that weird? I don't try to figure it out any longer. I just recognise it for what it is and go for the ride.

2. What is your biggest stressor? How come? Oh, my. Too many factors contribute to this. I can't honestly answer that.
3. What kinds of things do you do to destress? Read. Lay in the hammock. Listen to music. Lots of things.

March 26, 2009
3x Thursday: 03/26/y2k+9:
How Are Ya?
1. How are you doing today? Is it a Good Day, A Bad Day, or an Indifferent Day? Why? I'm okay; the work day was great and very satisfying but my back has been awful today and the torturous visit to the dentist which has left my head and mouth aching (not his fault) hasn't made it a banner day physically.

2. What are you up to/what have you done so far today? Uh, I worked. I did rig check. I'll being heading off to bed very soon. Ooooohh, I need to pick out a book to read; I finished The Runaway Jury, which is now in James' hands. He loves to read - and I love to be a part of that. He came over after rig check and fueling the rig up to weed through my library as he is on spring break next week. I love that kid - he's smart and loves books as we do. What's not to love?
3. What are your plans for the evening? Anything fun? I got lucky. It is now 23:56 and I go off in less than 4 minutes. Yahoo! A night with no calls. Life is good. Then again, I put in some major time on Sunday morning with the mental midgets that didn't seat belt the kids... Next Thursday, which is some kind of Thursday that means something because it is the one before Good Friday, I will be on all night. That is what happens when I have Friday off!

March 19, 2009
3x Thursday: 03/19/y2k+9:
1. How's the climate where you live right now? Too cold? Too hot? What's your preferred climate? It is turning into spring, suddenly mid-last week. It really hit it with gusto - it was cold and blustery in the night and early morning, then temperate during the day. Not super-warm, but definitely not bitter winter cold. On Saturday night we were hit with a huge thunderstorm, complete with large size hail! It was great - truly amazing. I love storms and this was a delightful way to bring in the new spring season. This is not quite my preferred climate but it is working up to it. Pretty soon I will be able to put out my hammock and lay in it. That is my preferred climate!

2. Is it 'spring' where you live yet? If so, how can you tell? If not, when does spring usually occur? It is, but it did not begin on the astronomical vernal equinox. It doesn't usually work that way. Winter did not wait for 22 December; spring did not arrive on 21 March. Summer will broil us prior to 24 June. But autumn - well. Anytime autumn starts is good for me - earlier is better. I am just a huge lover of the fall season. I can tell by the more consistently warm days and also by the trees, which are reddening and of course it is driving my allergies completely crazy! Lots of hints of spring's arrival!

3. Depending on the season, what's the preferred temperature in your house? What kind of things do you do (heat, a/c, fans, etc) to make your environment most comfortable for yourself? I usually like it warmer and Luis likes to roast me out in the winter and freeze me in the summer. I don't try to understand it any more. I guess around 72 degrees is ideal. I usually will go lay in the hammock rather than hang out in the frozen house. BBBBR-R-R-R-R!

March 12, 2009
3x Thursday: 03/12/y2k+9:
3 Good Things
Name 3 good things that have happened to you lately (say, since the year started)) and why you think they're good. Every day above ground is a great day!

March 05, 2009
3x Thursday: 03/05/y2k+9:
The State of Things
1. Do you have health insurance? If so, what's it thru (job, spouse, etc)? Is it decent? If not, do you have a real need for it? I have the CIGNA Open Access Plus plan, which is a good plan with decent copays and coverage. I'm the primary covered party. It is quite good; I'm the plan administrator. No one knows the benefits like I do. Sadly, I have a lot of need of it. I hate that, but it is life.

2. Do you have a job right now? If you do, lucky you! If not, how long have you been out of work, and what are you looking to do? How do you feel about the economy and finding a job sooner than later? I do and you are right, we are lucky. Both my husband and I are happily and safely employed and are very appreciative. The economy is awful. It has to seem hopeless for the too many that are unemployed.

3. What's your housing situation in this current 'crap for an economy'? Have you lost your house, or have you been able to keep a roof over your head and not get into economic trouble? Our housing situation is fine. We bought our house in October 2002 and refinanced a couple of times. We got in when the market was quite stable and paid off the bulk of this house with the sale of the old one. We are almost paid off. We are not concerned about losing our house; we bought it at the right time and would not have done so had we not been in a position to do it. We are not a victim of sheer screaming financial stupidity of the banks and the idea that every American should own a home.

February 26, 2009
3x Thursday: 02/26/y2k+9:
The Time (in whatever context that means)?
1. Do you have a calendar on your wall? What's it of? Do you like it? Why/why not? If you don't have a calendar on your wall, what do you do when you need to look at the days and months ahead? I do have wall calendars - two at home and two at work. Here I have the Boris Vallejo and Wiccan calendars; at work I have an astronomy and the IAVCEI volcano calendars. I have them for the images, not the date. I'm always aware of the date. I don't need a wall calendar to know the day and date.

2. Do you wear a watch? Why/why not? If you don't wear one, how do you keep track of your time, appointments, when to eat, go to bed, etc? I always wear a watch. Always. I have a wonderful watch that has digital and analogue time. I need the second hand for EMS - it's hard to get the heart rate without a second hand; I sometimes like the digital time for ease.

3. How do you keep track of appointments (of all kinds) in your life? I have the Franklin Covey organisation system and use it all the time. It is great. I highly recommend it for any executives and anyone in the corporate world.


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