Hospital Drama Again
My mother is in the hospital. She apparently had another stroke at some point - I don't think anyone knows when - and this explains why her speech and walking has gotten worse.
Ray is both upset but a little relieved. He's going in for his second hip surgery on Monday and now we know she'll have round the clock care. The hospital recommended she get acute rehab to get her walking and talking (she can still speak but it is a nightmare. She'd point to [for example] a set of keys and say, "I want the boat."). Ray talked her into it with little difficulty this afternoon.
How do I feel about this? I'm upset but strangely - at the same time - numb. I have regrets about our relationship, but on the other hand, this is what needs to happen. I don't know. Too many mixed emotions and not nearly enough time to sort them out.
Good wishes for Ray's surgery too.