Saturday Six: Episode #230

1. What’s more important to you: being a recognized leader in what you do, or being a trusted “worker bee” in what you do?

Why can't I be both? I'm a good manager, but I'm good as the trusted worker bee with those things I do everyday or every week or monthly, quarterly or annually. So I would say having it both ways.

2. If you knew you had accomplished something that would make you “famous” by today’s standards, what would scare you most about such a prospect?

All of it. Something happens to people who become famous and rich. Something bad.

3. Should famous people’s families be “off limits” as some have suggested, or are such intrusions something that famous people should just “live with?”

I think all people should have some part of them that is off limits. I don't get the fuss over people's babies, anyway, and certainly not famous people's kids. When I read that getting a snap of the latest Pitts or Cruises nets over $100,000 I have a problem with that. Not to mention that they had a baby - so what? Millions of people have babies all the time. This is not a miracle, it's a continuation of the race. One has to take a written AND a practical test to get a driver's license but ANY idiot can have children!
Besides, if you name your kid Moxie Crimefighter or Pilot Inspektor, are you really expecting to fly below the radar?!

4. Take the quiz: What Are You Going to be Famous For?

Well, let's find out, shall we?

It is the first day of summer vacation. What is the best way to kick it all off?
Karaoke with all of my best friends.
Playing Risk with my buds.
Chilling on the porch, barbecuing.
Sleep in late, and then read something that Ive been meaning to for a while.
Go to Vegas!!!
Start stalking that girl/guy I've had a crush on since September.

Which animal do you associate yourself with?
Show pony

If you were the last person on earth, what would you do?
Try to gather food and supplies.
Relax, then go crazy.
Kill myself.
Live the sweet life.
Go crazy Broadway style.

Do you want to be famous?
Yes, it's what Ive dreamed about for my whole life. *You now break out into FAME*
Not really. The more inconspicuous I am the better.
Yes, but I prefer glory.
Meh. I like to do what I do, and if fame is a consequence then so be it.
Yes, but I dont want people to know what I look like. Just my name will suffice.
As long as my fame gets me free stuff, its cool.

In your high school yearbook, what were you most likely to be?
Still living with my parents at age thirty.
Book store employee - indefinately.

Which do you cut, the red wire or the blue wire?

Finally -- will you be posting in LiveJournal, or something else?
(*to make the code compatible)

You will be a Notorious Criminal
Your fame will be gained through your unlawful deeds. You are very smart and will probably get away with it for a long time – if not forever. You are not evil, necessarily, but when you don’t agree with a law, you just ignore it.
Well. Now I know these things lie!

5. How would you define “success?”

Being happy. Gloriously, deleriously happy. How else would you define it?

6. What’s more important to you, a career that could bring you financial security, or a career that could bring you emotional/spiritual security?

I think that there is a balance and people often don't find it. Certain professions don't seem to have that, but it is not as if this is the big nasty surprise that lawyers and doctors don't know about - there are just a lot of people that think, "that won't happen to me". And then there are professions where you work your butt off for seven out of twelve months and then do nothing. It's a question of balance. I have both, and guess what...

I'm deleriously, gloriously happy!


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