Memes/Questionnaires Week Ending 10.05.2008

Curious As a Cat: Week Number 137
1) What is the single most important ingredient for a spiritual life?

Belief. Everything else is gravy.

2) Who is the person you know with the freest spirit?


3) How does it make you feel when you hear people argue?

Well... it depends on the people and the kind of arguing. Some people just do it in a funny way that underneath still has the love. But serious, real arguments make me uncomfortable - I don't need to hear that!

4) What one thing would you give to each of your ex-lovers?

Hope for a good future. Grace for our past, all the good parts.

5) Show and Tell. What comes to mind first when you see this picture? Or, tell a story if it reminds you of one.
You won't believe me... it makes me think of Chef. He told me that these things are called Amusez la bouche - it translates into "amuse the mouth" and I see the apprentices do it all the time. This is not the best image, but it looks just like any of the little one or two-bite teasers that our kitchen produces for fine dining events. They are really amazing, and I do take images when I can. I'll have to fish around for a better one. This one was on the meme here.

I know I drive the Chef a little nuts... but I love learning, and this is how to do it - by asking. I have to say that when I get him at the right time (as in not during the dinner rush - he seems to enjoy teaching as much as I enjoy learning. I'll never be a cook, but maybe that makes it all the more enjoyable for him - I'm learning just for the sheer joy of it and not for some culinary gain. That has to be appealing.

Monday's Questionnaire: What's Your Funky Japanese Name?

Your Funky Japanese Name Is

Sheesh. BORING.

Tuesday's Meme:

1. What do you feel is the difference between sexy and erotic?

Sexy is a feeling, erotic is a description.

2. Do you believe there is one right person (i.e. soul mate) for you out there in the world, or that there can be many different potential mates that you could live blissfully with?

Oh, just one, how simple is that? No, I don't believe that there is just one person. It happens that I am with a great person. However, if something happened that left me on my own, there are a lot of other also great men out there. I don't worry about that. I will say, though, that I'm very happy with who and what I have and wish not to have that change.

3. Do you need to hear "I love you" or similar words on a regular basis from your partner?

I don't require it. I know he loves me. He tells me and that works. Sometimes I may need to hear it when I'm going through a lot of intense stress and if I do, great but if not, it's still okay. I used to have a friend that required a kiss every time they got in the vehicle. Weird. And waaaaay too needy.

4. What feeling do you have the most difficulty expressing?

None. They all come flying out.

5. What is worse - physical, mental or cyber cheating?

Well, I hate the word cheating. Human sexuality is very different than people know or want to think about. They don't realise that sleeping with someone other than the one you love/live with is ingrained or coded into our genome. Shocking! Read about it. Women look for the geeky guy to have their homes with (stability) and the big bulky muscular humunculous to have their kids with (good genes are in the muscle men without brains). Guess what that means...

Bonus (as in optional): The Kinsey scale attempts to describe a person's sexual history or episodes of their sexual activity at a given time. It uses a scale from 0, meaning exclusively heterosexual, to 6, meaning exclusively homosexual. Where are you - TODAY - on the scale?

0. Always. I just have no interest in women sexually. Sorry to disappoint.

WW #23 (Wednesday Weirdness)
1.) Have you ever purchased an item of clothing and intentionally worn it with tags on it so that you could return it the next day?

No. What a strange thing. Do people really do that? How perfectly cheesy and wrong. Yikes.

2.) Would you rather be late to the party, or the first person to arrive? Why?

I'm a little OCD about lateness - it is just wrong. So I would rather be (and often are) first to an event.

3.) When do you usually begin your Christmas shopping?

When I have money. Right now, I don't.

4.) What three cancelled tv shows do you wish they’d bring back?

Oooooh, good one. I would bring back Dead Like Me, Men In Trees and Brimstone.

5.) What do you have in your vehicle's glove compartment?

My vehicle document - insurance card. The guide book to the vehicle. That is it.

6.) Have you ever donated blood?

Yes, a lot. Also platelets.

7.) Have you ever kissed or dated someone elses significant other? What happened?

Ummm. I don't think so. At least, not knowingly.

8.) Have you ever mistaken one product for another while in the bathroom and didn't notice until after you used it? (EXAMPLE: Washing your hair with liquid body soap, slathering hand soap on your legs instead of lotion after a shower, et cetera)

Yes, I washed my hair with liquid body soap. Heinous.

9.) Would you/Have you ever dated someone who had a criminal record?

Yes. Probably not one of my finer moments.

3x Thursday: 10/02/y2k+8: Do You Believe?
1. Do you believe we're on this planet for a reason? If so, what is it? If not, what *do* you believe?

We are here because that is how the evolutionary ball bounced. I don't think it is anything more than that.

2. Do you believe we carve our own paths, or is it possible that there's such a thing as 'destiny'? Why/why not?

We carve our own paths. The Fates may interfere now and again, or someone else's movements screw up yours. But you make your own decesions, your own way. Saying something is destiny is taking away that person's responsibility for the outcome of things.

3. Do you believe in magic? Why/why not?

Are we talking about real magic or slight of hand? There is a really big difference, you know.

What Colour Hair Should I Have?

Which of these careers would best suit you?
Business executive

If people don't like you, it's usually because:
They are intimidated by you
They think you are flaky
They think you don't like them

If you had to describe your typical mood, you would say it is:
Light hearted

How would you describe your personal style?
You like to look polished
You like to stand out
You like to look sexy

Your hair is:
Well taken care of
A bit long for your gender
A bit wild

Your Hair Should Be Blonde
You are outgoing, light hearted, and a ton of fun. You don't take life too seriously, and you do your best to charm everyone you meet.

Be that as it may, I'm in reality a truly ugly blonde. My skin is too sallow to pull it off! Me and my burgundy (originally chestnut) hair are all that you said. Without a single blonde strand.

Four For Friday

Q1 - Email: We've all probably done this: Composed what we thought was an innocuous email or instant message, hit the send button and sat back to await a reply. When you finally do hear back, you learn the recipient of your message is upset with you. You thought what you sent was a very clearly worded message that could not possible be misinterpreted, but the recipient completely misunderstood. As a rule, do you read or reread email messages before you send them? Related: When you attach a document or file to an email message, do you open the file after it has been attached (to make sure it is indeed what you want to send)?

I do indeed and way too many a time been completely misunderstood in e-mail missives! And yes, I do open the attachment and check it. It's bad enough that this can happen in a face-to-face conversation; in an e-mail this sort of problem is terribly common. And I am consistently getting myself in trouble because of it. I have been very careful in cutting down my eagerness to be "cute" or funny in this format exactly for that reason. And in business it is even worse.

Q2 - It's a Dogs World: If you were reincarnated as dog, what breed would you like to be and what one person--either dead or alive--would you choose to be your master?

I would have to be a black with brown trim short-hair miniature dachshund. Why? I don't know, I guess since I like them a lot and they are soft and wonderful, they seem like a good kind of dog to be. Who would I choose to be my human companion? Well... that is a tough one. I suppose I would pick my parents - they really, truly love dogs.

Q3 - Debates: According to political pollsters, there are very few instances in which Presidential or Vice Presidential debates had a substantive impact on election outcomes. In other words, most voters choose to vote for a candidate regardless of what takes place during a debate. Has either of this year's debates influenced whom you think you will be voting for in November?

Uh, sadly, no. I can't sit through the lies and bullshit that these guys manage to pump out for the lowest [voting] demoninator. Once again, admitting my total political ignorance.

Q4 - City Ordinance: Beginning this Wednesday, Los Angeles pet owners must comply with a city ordinance that requires most dogs and cats to be spayed or neutered by the time they are four months old. Dog and cat owners not complying with the law will receive information on subsidized sterilization services. If their pets are not "fixed" within 60 days, they could face a $100 fine or eight hours of community service. A third offense could result in a $500 fine or 40 hours of community service. The ordinance exempts a number of animals, including service dogs and animals that compete in shows or sporting competitions. Do you like this ordinance or do you think the government has no right to legislate whether your cat or dog can have kittens or puppies?

Um, I'd have to say that I am okay with it. Animals will quickly overrun the planet if left to their own devices, especially since they do have litters rather than one or two babies. I still want to see something happen to keep humans from overrunning and destroying the planet!

Are You a Physical Flirt?
Check all that apply to you or that you agree with.
You will touch someone's arm or shoulder to make a point.
You like to sneak up behind people and put your hands over their eyes.
You will rest your head on someone's shoulder and act like you're tired.
You're big on giving hugs.
You like to sit on people's laps (or let them sit on your lap).
You like to wink at people.
You make prolonged eye contact with people.
You love to tickle.
You love to give (and get) back rubs.
You play with your hair or touch your face and mouth a lot

Your Physical Flirt Level: 60%
You are definitely a flirt, but you are more subtle than over the top. As far as physical flirting goes, you know that a little goes a long way. You will touch on occasion, but you're never flagrant or inappropriate. You just use physical stuff as the icing on your flirting cake. This does sound like me!

Saturday 9: Let's Get Ready to Rumble
1. When was the last time you lost your temper with someone?

Friday afternoon. I try to help someone and that party contacted UI, gave them all the wrong information and fucked it up completely, then left a vitriolic phone message for me. I was polite but very firm and made it clear that maligning my abilities, the person's former manager and the company is unacceptable and as I am it for you to come to for anything, a civil tone and conversation is not merely expected, it is a must. AND... no more ten-minute messages on my voicemail. Ever.

2. What was it about?

You know, I give detailed answers. See above.

3. Were you totally right or totally wrong?

You better believe it. Maligning my capabilities while demanding my expedience and help when YOU made the error to begin with makes me 00% correct. And I did not lose-lose my temper or yell or utter the MANY unutterable words flooding my mind.

4. If wrong, how long until you realized it? If right, how long until the other person realized it?

Oh, goodness. Who knows? I knew I was right and handled it the best way for that particular case. Whether or not the recipient of that controlled blast gets it is another story. I certainly got an apology right up front.

5. Did you go a lengthy of time without speaking?

Oh, you misunderstand. It wasn't a personal relationship, it was a professional one. I rarely get angry like that in any case. But people I know don't push my buttons that way.

6. Who made the first move?


7. Do you feel the situation is resolved now?

Again, who knows. We shall see.

8. Do you ever give in, knowing you weren’t wrong, to keep the peace?

Only when my manager requires me to do so. It is not in my nature to back down when I am right.

9. Was there permanent damage even though you’ve made up?

I suppose sometimes that happens. In this case, I am not concerned.

Saturday Six - Episode 234
Tag: Saturday Six — Patrick @ 9:55 am
Okay, so if you stopped by and read this little intro earlier, you probably realized that it had nothing to do with this week’s questions. Yes, what happens is that I copy and paste the previous week’s post and then update the intro and questions. It saves me a lot of time when it comes to the special coding for all of the font formatting involved in these weekly memes.

Unfortunately, if I forget to change the intro, I end up with a lead-in that doesn’t quite set you up properly for the questions. And yes, that’s exactly what happened this week. So with this newly-revised intro, I will tell you that this week’s questions, unlike last week’s, have nothing to do with the economy.


1. When was the last time you ate fast food?

Fast food... wow... I don't know. Been at least three weeks without pizza... I almost never eat burgers and I certainly don't eat fries. Yikes. I had Chinese about two weeks ago. Ah, there it is - two weeks ago!

2. If you get a meal on the run, are you more likely to get something unhealthy, like a burger and fries, or healthy, like a salad?

Oh, no, no, no - no burgers, never fries. Pizza, Chinese food, Thai food, Hindi, Afghani... I don't know if that is honestly fast food, but it is what I like. I get very, very good salads at work, and so never worry about not getting my vegetables (sort of) in the form of salad.

3. Of the meals you’ve cooked at home in the past week, have they been generally more healthy or less healthy than what you would have ordered in a restaurant?

Ha, ha, ha, ha... I never cook! And Luis rarely cooks, unless he gets home too late. I stop eating at six no matter what.

4. Take the quiz: What Does Your Burger Say About You?

I didn't take it, since I am not a fan.

5. What was the last meal you prepared for yourself?

Ooof. I have NO idea. A long, long time...

6. When was the last time you exercised for more than 30 minutes?

I can't recall the last time I worked out for less, either. Well, no. I did some last week. Keep trying to do something with my back.

Sunday Seven - Episode 163

Given my lack of internet service that forces me into Barnes & Noble, where I’m having an over-priced cup of coffee for an excuse to sit in the cafe and use their wifi, poor customer service is definitely on the brain.

Here’s a list of companies that ranked at the bottom of the heap in one poll when it comes to treating their customers the way said customers think they deserve to be treated. You’ll use that list for inspiration for this week’s question, should you need any.

THIS WEEK’S QUESTION: Name the seven companies that have given you the worst customer service.

Honestly? They all suck. I feel unhappy with all the service companies I deal with for the household things.


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