Should You Vote for Obama or McCain?

Should You Vote for Obama or McCain? - Who matches your views more: John McCain or Barack Obama?

What should the US do in Iraq?
Stay in until things are stable
Pull out as soon as possible

Do you support medical marijuana?

What's the best way to jump start the economy?
Cut corporate taxes, and give tax credits to businesses that invest in technology
Put more money in unemployment insurance, and give middle class Americans tax credits

Should each state be able to decide if abortion should be legal or not?
What direction should the US go in to improve health care?
Encourage more free market health care solutions
Try to provide insurance for everyone through government funds

Should we impose an extra tax on oil companies for their profits?

What's a better way to keep America safe?
Secure nuclear weapons around the world
Increase missile defense and build a stronger military

Should people without a criminal background be allowed to carry a concealed weapon?
No (Would it be possible to say ABSOLUTELY NO?)

Which is a better tax policy?
Decreasing taxes for everyone
Decreasing taxes for mostly everyone, but increasing them for the rich
Do you support offshore drilling?

How do you feel about the UN?
The US should play a leading role in the UN
You would like to set up an alternative organization for democracies, without universal membership

Should balancing the federal budget be a priority?
What's the best way to fix public education?
Pay and train teachers more
Provide more options for a competitive market

Do you support nuclear energy?

Do you think gun manufacturers can be liable for crimes committed with guns?

Do you support the death penalty for "drug kingpins"?

What's the best way to save Social Security?
Allow workers to invest part of their payroll tax privately
Raise payroll tax on rich people to pay for it

Do you think the US Constitution is a living document, subject to changing interpretation?

Do you support increasing the minimum wage?
Did the troop surge in Iraq work?

Should partial birth abortions be banned?
Note: I could not answer this one. I am completely pro-choice but I've no idea what "partial" abortion is.

Should the government help home owners who are about to foreclose on their homes?
Only if they were tricked by their lenders

Do you think the prospects are good for negotiating with Iran?

In general, US international policy should be concerned with:
Promoting democracy
Practicing diplomacy

How do you feel about the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy?
It should be changed to make things easier for gays and lesbians in the military
It should be kept as is

Your Issue Profile: 72% Obama, 28% McCain
While it sounds like Obama is the choice for you, he's not a perfect match. You and John McCain actually share some of the same views. Whether this is news to your or not, you have some studying to do. Obama seems like he's the right fit, but it's an important issue might sway you over to McCain.

My Take
The fact is that no one is totally Democratic or totally Republican. And a test like this is a little rigid, because both answers proffered did not exactly fit my views. I like the idea of taxing the rich more, but it is not feasible. On the other hand, the tax breaks given to the wealthy are insane.

There is no easy answer to healthcare, the Iraqi situation, home foreclosure (although I find it highly questionable how some people get second mortgages after the first has fallen through), balancing the Federal budget.

Other things are cut and dry. Gun control is key. Go to Canada and get a gun and they lose that sunny friendliness and are your worst enemy. Consequently shootings are a rarity there. Giving the death penalty is something I am generally against but drug kingpins and child molesters should get it immediately. Why wait, why let them fight it, and why pay for three squares and telly?

But the fact is that there are two pretty poor choices ahead for this. You have McCain, who'll pour more lives down the drain, crap out in office (he's a fossil) and will spend our money fast. He picked a woman with all of 18 months experience as mayor, has five kids ranging in age from 4 years of age to 18 (I think) and one of which has Downs Syndrome. How can she do this job and care for them adequately? How can she be eligible to this position (VP of the U.S.) with such minimal qualifications?

On the other hand, Obama is practically a kid. I don't particularly find that as upsetting as McCain's advanced age (physically and mentally), but I don't think it works for him. His running mate? Well, he's another unknown, but he has been politically active for some years. What I was not happy with was his majority leanings. He is equally between both tickets and has been on both majorities an even number of times in the U.S. Senate. Can't unwedge the fence from his butt? Yikes.

I guess we will have to see how it all unfolds in November. As much as I have misgivings about Obama, I have far more about McCain.


CrystalChick said…
Every questionnaire I take has me showing very very little or no republican tendancies. I'm left leaning all the way. Okay, I can do Libertarian, but since it'll be some time before Independents and Libertarians make any ground I always, always, always go for the Dem.

I did not vote for Obama in the primaries. I wasn't completely thrilled with Clinton but did vote for her. At the time, I felt like while I did like alot about him, he still had to earn my vote. Since then he's absolutely earned it and I can't wait until Nov.
I know he's young, but I have listened to him speak and if everyone could get past him being half black and having a strong wife then maybe we'd get somewhere as a country. It's amazing to me that people have issues with those things. Some will say it has nothing to do with that, but you know with many people it certainly does! I don't know that he's as liberal as he was originally said to be. Seems like I heard a few good ideas come from him regarding how to turn things around.
I will be soooooo disappointed if McCain and this no name Palin lady take the office. OMG, how much more can the country take? I have been going thru the motions of being a patriotic american for a long time. Don't get me wrong, I know that it's not all peachy in other parts of the world. We're still free, altho with a few less liberties. We've still got alot of wonderful things available, altho alot less money to buy them with. And so on. This administration I will be so glad to see GO. And if McBush wins, I'll just drink more wine and dream of a villa in Tuscany......

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