Another Sunday Meme...

This is an older meme...

Sometimes I get to thinking of things, the state of humanity. So much ignorance, so much that just sucks. I’ve had some emails directed my way about some things happening to women I know or know of in the name of religion, and I’m so angry. There’s nothing you can do but stand up and leave. Quitting sounds like you’re giving up the fight, but you’re not. Because when you leave, you weaken them. One by one you weaken the churches, the shuls, the mosques, the temples. Every time a woman walks out, every time a man who cares about women walks out, they’re weakened, and so is their ability to lie to their followers and their fellow Americans about how their gods view women and their ’special purpose’ in life. But I don’t want to talk about it anymore, I really don’t. So here’s a meme.

1. Is there someone you’d like to be kissing right now?

2. When you’re being extremely quiet, what does it mean?

3. What are you listening to right now?

4. Are you a big fan of thunderstorms?

5. Do you believe in perfect?

6. Are you a jealous person?

7. What was the first thing you thought this morning?

8. What do you think about when you are falling asleep?

9. Are you satisfied with what you have in life?

10. Do people ever think that you’re either older or younger than you actually are?

11. Do you think men truly understand women?Do women understand men?

12. How about women understanding men?

13. Did anybody ever call you handsome or beautiful?

14. What is one fact about the last person that called you?

15. Other than your current one, what’s the longest relationship you have had?


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