This Week in Memes in the Cold

Curious as a Cat
Week #154
Monday, 2 February
1) Who is the least generous friend you have?

Uh... I don't know that I have one. I generally hang out with generous people. It's better that way. I don't think I would want to be associated with someone that is not generous.

2) If you could change one thing about your typical day, what would you change?

Um, being so tired. I would love that. Having back pain... that would be nice, too. If you mean non-physical outside things, I don't know. I like most of my days!

3) What has been the most profound experience of your life so far?

What happened to Question #4?

Well, I would say my car accident in 2001. I was struck by a vehicle while on foot and I'm alive. That definitely changes one's life.

5) Show and Tell. What comes to mind first when you see this picture? Or, tell a story if it reminds you of one.

I find that it makes me feel frustrated! I collect foriegn coins and this is like seeing them but not being able to reach them or free them from the wood or whatever they are stuck in. I hate that feeling that something is just within reach but can't be mine...

TMI Tuesday #172
1. When you sleep with someone, how much or how little contact do you like to have?

I'm very touchy-feely so I needn't be sleeping with someone literally or figuratively to be touching them a lot. I love contact, and I love it with all people I'm close to. I think physical contact is important.

2. What do you think there is a appropriate amount of time for a divorce parent to date before introducing the kids to the "new" "special" person in their life?

I have no idea. I would think that this is different for everyone. My parents divorced when I was two, so this wasn't keeping me up nights.

3. Which ONE do you wish you had more of in bed... romance, experimentation or foreplay?

Oh, foreplay, most of the time. But romance can be good laid on really thick, just not all the time.

4. What do you thinks makes a kiss great?

The anticipation!

5. Describe your sex life in two words.

active, fun

Bonus (as in optional): Do you remember a time when you were having sex that you smile or even laugh about now? Do tell...

Sure, we laugh all the time while having sex. Why shouldn't it be just as fun as anything else?

Wednesday Weirdness #41

1.) Tell us something that to you is weird about your significant other. (If single, pick an ex) It can be a personality quirk, a hobby, a habit, a ritual etc but just make sure it's something you find odd about them.

Yes, I know a few odd or quirky things about Luis but the one that stands out is his speaking rhythms. In one sentence he starts outspeakingveryfast, then... slows... down... then speeds up to normal. Just like that. It is very weird and I did not realise what I was hearing that was "off" until someone else pointed it out.

2.) What are 3 songs that you find sexy?

Ooooo, only three? Let's see, Crystal by New Order, Paradise by the Dashboard Light by Meat Loaf and Is Your Love Strong Enough by Bryan Ferry. All very good songs. For "love" songs: 9 Crimes by Damien Rice, Wrap Your Arms Around Me by Barenaked Ladies and Windows in the Sky by U2. I have others, too, but you only wanted three.

3.) If you were going to give yourself a "Most Likely To..." award for this week, what would your title be?

Most Likely to Not be Feeling Well. I felt so great after the surgery on Monday and then when the novacaine wore off I thought all would well after the next day. I should have realised that this was more major than I thought. My whole head has weird sensitive spots that hurt just by being touched. I have an excriating ear ache, but I think it is all related to the pain in my mouth. So there it is, my title.

4.) Do you read any self-help books? If so, which is your favorite? If not, why not?

Oh, my, yes! I love Don't Sweat the Small Stuff by Richard Carlson. It has priceless advice in it.

5.) Do you prefer to buy porn, sex toys, lube and things of that nature in a store or discreetly online? Why?

Uh, I suspect in this case, buyer beware applies. I'd rather see this for myself.

6.) List these things in order from what you find most sexy to least sexy: Money, Loyalty, Sense of humor, Intelligence, Kindness, Romantic, Open-mindedness, Kinky, Honesty.

Ohhh. Fun. OK... Open-mindedness, sense of humor, kindness, honesty, intelligence, loyalty, romantic, money and kinky. Work for you?

3 February 2009

3x Thursday: 02/05/y2k+9:

1. Which do you prefer, cats or dogs? Why?

Oh, I'll always be a cat person. I love the kitty. I'm nervous about giving her the medicine. I have a feeling she won't take this gracefully.

2. What do you think of the domestication of animals? Do you think it has helped us at all?

Has it helped us to domesticate animals? Sure. Has it helped them? Hard to say.

3. If you could have any pet, what would it be? Why?

It would be cats, just as it has been!


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