It's That Magical Meme Time!

Promise to those who matter: no content will reflect specify work in any way, shape or form.

Monday, 16 February
Curious as a Cat
Week Number 156
1) If you could eliminate (or lessen the effect of) one emotion from your life, which would you choose? Well, I find these questions amusing. Since I firmly believe that one cannot experience the highs of good emotions without allowing themselves to feel the lows of negative emotions, then I would not give up or eliminate any of them. True joy cannot be felt unless one can feel true despair. If I could eliminate physical pain, however, other than those that come with normal trauma, I would. I would never feel as I do now again.

2) What one thing would you find the hardest about being in prison? A strange question; what wouldn't be hard? Freedom would be the hardest thing to give up. Prisons now offer books, Internet, work, three squares a day... it mirrors real life in every way except the freedom to go whenever and wherever I want.

3) Who has surprised you most with their faith? I am surprised every day by people and their faith. I may not have any religious faith (I do have faith in a non-spiritual context), I admire those who do until they force their beliefs on me.

4) Show and Tell. What comes to mind first when you see this picture? Or, tell a story if it reminds you of one.

Healthy skin. I'm sorry, this is not my strength in writing. I will say that every EMT likes to see healthy skin.

Tuesday, 17 February
TMI Tuesday #174
1. What is your favorite charity? Do you you give your time or just money to that charity? I am a volunteer EMT. So I give my time. I used to give money to some things, but then they became so crazy for monetary donations that I completely stopped.

2. Describe your bed. What side do you sleep on? We have a beautiful waterbed that is about 34" high, has all dark wood and a high headboard that has an etched mirror, cabinets and lights; the base has six drawers to each side underneath. It is a very comfortable bed, not a free flow, but has baffles in it to more mirror a real bed. It's a California king, so it is the biggest bed we could get. It is about seven years old now. I sleep on the right side if you are standing at the foot of it.

3. How important is a partners kissing ability? Well, it doesn't keep me up nights. Luis is a good kisser.

4. Have you ever "taken advantage" of a person under the influence of alcohol? Have you ever been "taken advantage" of while under the influence of alcohol? No, and no. I don't drink.

5. Ever tried to replay the famous scene from From Here to Eternity? How was it? Uh, what is that?

Bonus (as in optional): What kind of birth control do you use? I use Depo Provera. It is a parenteral.

Wednesday Weirdness
Since most if not all of the questions are sexual in nature and by this point you probably have a pretty good idea of my views on sex, why bother?

I guess that is it. I'll see if 3 for Thursday is up yet... no, not yet. What's up with that? It is 0102!


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