Four for Friday - 6 February 2009

Four For Friday
Q1 - Hello and Goodbye: Do you wave at people on trains or boats as they pass by?

Sometimes I do, but not often. The last time I waved at anyone was when the school bus with high school kids were waving at me. I have no idea why. It was fun, though.

Q2 - Library Books: Do you think people who fail to return books to public libraries should face criminal charges?

Um... I could go to jail, especially if that went back far enough... I have books from when I was a teenager that I had from the library, misplaced for years and then rediscovered them later. No, I did not take them in then. I figured the bills would come to $200 for four paperbacks...

Q3 - Acronyms: If each of the letters in your first name combined to form an acronym, what would your acronym be?

You want me to make an acronym out of Aislinge? Good gods... I don't know, it will take a while to manage that! I'll have to think about that...

Q4 - Approval: According to a Gallup Poll conducted earlier this week, President Obama's approval rating is 65 percent, which is nearly identical as when he was inaugurated. Do you approve or disapprove of the job the President is doing?

So far the only thing that worries me about President Obama is the EFCA thing. Otherwise, I'm happy with the salary increase/bonus freeze and some other things he is doing. However, I don't think throwing money at any part of the economic issues we have is the answer. Leave it alone. It will eventually get better if it is left to its own devices. The more we directly meddle, the worse it gets.


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