A.W.A.D. - Words with Hidden Animals

We are off to a wild safari this week. Each day of the expedition promises the sighting of a new animal. There will be creatures large and small, leaping and crawling, chasing and being chased. But all of them have their own majestic place, their own purpose, in the grand scheme of things.

There are five of them within this week's words. Some may be easier to spot than others. How many can you find?

(den-TIJ-uhr-uhs) adjective
Having teeth.

[From Latin denti- (teeth) + -gerous (bearing), from gerere (to bear).]

(per-i-HEE-lee-uhn_, -HEEL-yun) noun
The point in the orbit of a celestial body that is nearest to the sun.

[From Greek peri- (around, near) + helios (sun). The point farthest from the sun is called aphelion, from apo- (away).]


(for-BAIR-uhns) noun

1. Refraining from enforcing something, such as a right or a debt.

2. Tolerance, patience, restraint, or leniency.

[From forbear, from Old English forberan (to endure), from for- (away) + beran (to bear).]

(WEL-kin) noun
The sky or heaven.

[From Old English wolcen (cloud).]

(in-tuhr-REG-nuhm) noun
The period between the end of a reign and the beginning of the next; a time when there is no government.

[From Latin, from inter- (between) + regnum (reign).]

Monday - tiger
Tuesday - lion
Wednesday - bear
Thursday - elk
Friday - gnu


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