It Is a Dark & Stormy Night

I knew there would be storms tonight, but wow!

About an hour and a half ago I saw some thunderheads on the northwestern horizon, coming home from the squadhouse. That is usually a promising sign. I wasn't disappointed. Not long ago, I noticed the red light on the NOAA radio - Warning. I went in and the display read what I thought it was - SEVERE... THUNDER...

I love it!

I ran across the street to pick up skim milk - gotta have my tea! - and as I walked out of the house, there was quite a light show going on. I went in to the store and found myself in line behind... a walking mid-life crisis!

Maybe storms do bring out the weirdos. Maybe this was just an ongoing fashion nightmare. You might say that I'm one to talk, but as strange as my outfits may be, well... this was worse. I was in line and in front of me was a head of hair... unbelievable hair. You know how some people tease their hair? Well, this woman surpassed teasing it and just clean pissed it off. It stuck out in every direction, wiry, tortured, frizzed, little stray curls. Grey interspersed with black... very unattractive. She glanced up (with her head down there was no seeing anything other than the mop) and she was in her early to mid-50s - or at least she looked that age. Not good. Neither was the bright red that was painted thickly onto her lips. The rest of the package was a tight black with white polka dot dress that was knee length, with a tight solid black sweater over the top. The legs did not have panty hose (and she really would be nuts to have them on in this temperature), but the feet did, all wrinkled up at the ankles. And what, you may ask, adorned the feet? Good question! She had on four inch spike heel stilhettos that were the same garish red as her lipstick. Goodness me...

She left and I was doing the money part of the transaction, and the couple that came up to the check out counter were scary, too. I missed Ray. He'd have loved this. We make quiet comments to each other all the time about other people and the awful ways they look or walk or speak - yes, I know, not the most admirable behaviour but fun - and funny! Well, he'd have been howling if he'd seen this. The woman in the couple behind me had on a belly shirt - and what a belly - it stuck out like a beer belly on a man! Hideous. I am not a small, svelte woman by any means but I know it and so do not wear belly shirts!

I left there, came home, put the milk in the fridge and then went into the back yard to watch the storm roll in. There was no bolt lightning but there was a lot of sheet lightning flashing in every direction, but most brightly in the northwest. It was great to lay in the hammock, under the canopy of oaks and watch the sky behind the leaves light up.

There was not much thunder, though - just the odd, low rumble off to the west by miles. But I knew it would not be long in coming. It's here now. When the rain began to fall with more intensity than a drop here... a drop there... that was my cue to come in.

The rain has slacked off and the thunder, while fairly consistent in rumbling, is losing a lot of its oomph. But it was feeling cooler when I came in, so I am thinking that this will be good overall!


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